today just want to share about service oil sump…. actually it is a diy… did on my on… but before start the activity… i do watch some Youtube… not some actually… a lots haha…
it is easier to watch rather that do it on ur own… yeah of course some tools that you must have before begin the works… as i remember here are the list of item that im being use…
sure u can use it too…
1. bla2 haha. im going to upload later….
just give you a view the oil sump after remove…

to be honest.. this thing not easier to remove.. but as always… no pain no gain… one you can your money… two… you can satisfy 100%… together with this item you also need to change this item…. its located inside this sump

its is not necessarily you do this every service… but you are advise to do this maybe every 6 – 7 years… this is important to ensure your engine in good condition… because main compenent for engine is the oil… if everything is oily… its means the engine is smooth… because the more oily, the less resistance…