Who has the power?

All relationships  involve power.

What is power? Power is………………………..? you will find the definition as what you want the power  for 🙂

Some people crave for power, while on the other extreme,  they shun away from power.  Amid the many kinds of power, I would like to share six types of power as written by De Vito (2012):

  1. Legitimate power
  2. Referent power
  3. Reward power
  4. Coercive power
  5. Expert power
  6. Information power


Besides God’s power, many may add,  bacteria and virus power.


For Mr Donald Trump: The importance of Johari Window

In the recent development related to Syria, I heard via BBC world service, Mr. Donald Trump called the Russian leader monster. I just wonder what Mr Trump calls himself and what other  people would call him.

It reminds me of the Johari Window.


Suggestion : Mr Trump can reduce his twitting time and do some self reflection.  Johari Window is a good place to start from. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry Mr Trump, this useful Window started in  University of California Los Angeles, not Leningrad, Tehran or Damascus.

Thank you

Masjid ala pasar

Assalamu alaikum wrwbt .

Saya solat di masjid hari ini kerana semasa masuk waktu , saya lalu berhampiran dengan masjid.

Malangnya saya dapati separuh ruang solat dipenuhi oleh pelajar yang berbaring, tidur atau berbual atau berbincang sesuatu.

Amat mengecewakan kerana saya mengharapkan masjid adalah tempat membebaskan diri dari kesibukan dunia dan memfokus kepada hubungan dengan Allah.

Tetapi nampaknya, bising macam pasar dan suasana seperti bukan masjid.

Agaknya ramai masih tidak faham mengenai kepentingan solat?