The main research interests of Dr. Shamsuddin Shahid are Climate Variability and Changes, Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Processes and Water Resources, Water Resources Management, Groundwater Hydrology, Hydrological Data Analysis and Modeling, and Hydrological Hazards and Risk Mapping. He wrote over 60 research articles in internationally reputed journals including Climatic Change, Hydrological Processes, Hydrological Sciences Journal, Natural Hazards, International Journal of Climatology, Climate Research, Atmospheric Research, Regional Environmental Change, International Journal of Remote Sensing, etc. He also authored two books on Geophysical Prospecting for Groundwater and Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources of Northwest Bangladesh. His research articles have been cited many times by different researchers across the world.
Areas of Specialization
- Water Resources Management in Tropics & Subtropics
- Impacts of Climate Variability and Changes on Hydrological Processes
- Groundwater Hydrology
- Hydrological Hazards
- Statistical Hydrology