Dimaklumkan bahawa Penilaian Pengajaran Pensyarah secara Elektronik (ePPP) bagi Semester I Sesi 2015/2016 oleh pelajar-pelajar Prasiswazah dan Pascasiswazah melalui e-PPP sepatutnya bermula pada 22 November 2015 sehingga 19 Disember 2015 ini. Namun, atas keperluan penambahbaikan untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai perlaksanaan NALI di UTM dan cuti sempena Hari Keputeraan DYMM Sultan Johor, maka proses penilaian hanya akan bermula pada 24 November 2015 sehingga 19 Disember 2015.
Archives for November 20, 2015
Penilaian Pengajaran Pensyarah secara Elektronik (ePPP) SESI1-20152016
Tarikh: 25 November 2015 (RABU)
Masa: 7.45 pagi
Tempat: Padang UTM Kuala Lumpur
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The International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Systems – SPCS 2016
The International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Systems – SPCS 2016
Website: www.spcs.peccs.org
25 – 27 July, 2016
Lisbon, Portugal
Paper Submission: February 16, 2016
Authors Notification: May 5, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: May 19, 2016
Paper Submission: May 2, 2016
Authors Notification: June 6, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: June 17, 2016
Workshop Proposal: February 26, 2016
Paper Submission: May 30, 2016
Authors Notification: June 7, 2016
Camera Ready and Registration: June 17, 2016
Special Session Proposal: March 8, 2016
Tutorials, Demos and Panels Proposals
March 31, 2016
Sponsored by:
INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
Sponsored by:
INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
INSTICC is Member of:
WfMC – Workflow Management Coalition
In Cooperation with:
ACM – Association for Computing Machinery
SIGAPP – Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
IET – The Institution of Engineering Technology
EURASIP – The European Association for Signal Processing
Logistics Partner:
SCITEVENTS – Science and Technology Events
SPCS is part of PECCS, the 6th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems.
Registration to PEC allows free access to all other PECCS conferences.
PECCS 2016 will be held in conjunction with PhyCS 2016.
Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna, Austria
Maria R. Ebling, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, United States
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, under an ISBN reference, on paper and on CD-ROM support.
SCITEPRESS is a member of CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org/) and every paper is given a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library.
It is planned to publish a short list of revised and extended versions of presented papers with Springer in a CCIS Series book .
The proceedings will be submitted for indexation by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI), INSPEC, DBLP, EI (Elsevier Engineering Village Index) and Scopus.
The awards will be announced and bestowed at the conference closing session.
Please check the websites for further information: http://www.spcs.peccs.org/BestPaperAward.aspx
César Benavente-Peces, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Andreas Ahrens, Hochschule Wismar, University of Technology Business and Design, Germany
Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:
- Adaptive Systems
- Detection and Estimation
- Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Multimedia Communication Systems
- Time-frequency Analysis
- Wavelet Signal Processing
- Adaptive Systems
- Audio and Speech Signal Processing
- Detection and Estimation
- Digital Filter Design and Implementation
- Multimedia Communication Systems
- Time-frequency Analysis
- Wavelet Signal Processing
- Biomedical Signal Processing
- Detection and Estimation
- Remote Sensing and Signal Processing
- Time-frequency Analysis
- Biomedical Sensors
- Antennas and Propagation
- Channel Measurements and Modeling
- Coding and Modulation Techniques
- Communication Systems
- Diversity Techniques
- Green communications
- MIMO – Theory and Trials
- OFDM Technology
- Optical Communications and Networks
- Signal Processing in Communications
- Space-time cOding
- Spread Spectrum and CDMA Systems
- Ultra Wide-Band Communications
- Wireless and Mobile Networks
SPCS Secretariat
Address: Av. D. Manuel I, 27A, 2º esq.
2910-595 Setúbal – Portugal
Tel.: +351 265 520 184
Fax: +351 265 520 186
e-mail: spcs.secretariat@insticc.org
ICISE 2016
IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex – 2016 International Conference on Information Systems Engineering (ICISE 2016) April 20–22, 2016, Los Angeles, USA www.icise.org Publication Keynote Speakers Commitees Contact us |
ACM ToDAES special section
ACM ToDAES special section – Call for Papers
IDEA: Integrating Dataflow, Embedded computing, and Architecture
Special Section Guest Editors:
Twan Basten (Eindhoven University of Technology), Orlando Moreira (Intel), Robert de Groote (Twente University)
contact: acm.todaes.idea@gmail.com
Important Dates:
– January 8, 2016 – Paper submission deadline
– March 4, 2016 – First round of reviews complete, notification of authors
– May 1, 2016 – Submission of revised versions
– June 15, 2016 – Second round of reviews complete, final acceptance notifications
– Summer/Fall 2016 – Final versions due and special section publication
The dataflow model of computation (with SDF, CSDF, and DDF as primary representatives) offers a powerful perspective on parallel computations that may be conditioned in terms of data dependencies. It dates back to the nineteen sixties and has applications in the design of real-time stream-processing systems, especially in the area of digital signal processing. The dataflow model of computation fits the characteristics of embedded and cyber-physical systems, with a strong emphasis on both the functional and temporal aspects of data processing systems. Dataflow is gaining renewed popularity, stimulated by the trend towards multi-core and multi-processor architectures, with an influx of work ranging from using dataflow as a programming paradigm, for performance analysis, or for design optimization. Topics of interest for the special section include, but are not limited to:
- Dataflow architectures and dataflow as a programming paradigm for multi-core and multi-processor systems, for embedded systems and for cyber-physical systems.
- Tools for compilation, evaluation, optimization or synthesis of applications for heterogeneous and homogeneous multi-processor systems.
- Real-time scheduling, analysis, response time modeling, schedule synthesis. Variants of the dataflow model of computation, capturing e.g. dynamic execution behavior, stochastic dataflow.
- Dataflow theory, relations between dataflow and other models of computation, relations between dataflow variants.
- Dataflow in multi-disciplinary design, applications of dataflow in control, integrating dataflow and control theory.
- Case studies of general interest describing the application of dataflow in embedded computing and cyber-physical systems, ranging from automotive systems, and avionics, to high-tech systems, smart buildings and smart grids.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should follow the usual ToDAES guidelines. Submissions go through https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/todaes. When asked “Is this manuscript a candidate for a special issue?”, mark “Yes” to ensure that the paper is allocated to the guest editors of the special section.
IDEA 2016 workshop @ CPS week:
To further stimulate discussion in the dataflow community, we are organizing a workshop at CPS week in Vienna, April 11, 2016. Authors of papers submitted to the IDEA ToDAES special section that successfully pass the first round of reviews are invited to present their work at the workshop. Participation in the workshop will increase the visibility of the presented work and increase quality through the discussion at the workshop. See http://caes.ewi.utwente.nl/idea2016 for more information about the workshop, including information on how to express interest to present the submitted work. Presentation and discussion at the workshop is optional and will not in any way influence acceptance for the special section.
ICCAR 2016
IEEE 2016 The 2nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2016)
Hong Kong, April 28–30, 2016.
Conference official website: http://iccar.org/.
ICCAR 2016 conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Conference Publication, which would be indexed by <<IEEE Xplore and Ei Compendex>>.
ICCAR 2016 is in the IEEE conference list.
Publication and Indexing History of ICCAR:
ICCAR 2015, Singapore, May 20-22, 2015.
Publication: IEEE Conference Proceedings
Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/
Keynote and Plenary Speakers
Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Excellent editor of SPIE, IEEE fellow
Prof. Felix T. S. Chan, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Prof. Maode Ma, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. IEEE senior editor, IEEE fellow
Dr. GirijaChetty University Of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
Cindy Lau/ +1-562-606-1057/ iccar@sciei.org
2016 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Communications, Network Systems and Computer Science (ICNSCS-16) 10th to 11th January 2016 Dubai, United Arab Emirates New Abstract/Poster/Full Paper Submission Deadline: Nov. 25, 2015 (Early Bird updated) EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION FEE ISBN Proceedings will be submitted to CNKI, Google Scholar, Google, DOAJ, Citeseer for Indexing. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier(DOI) from CROSSREF. The Printed Proceedings will be published with ISBN Numbers. TOPICS SUBMISSION METHOD Enquiries: info@iacite.org Payment Method* Venue |
International Workshop on Early Reliability Modeling for Aging and Variability in Silicon Systems
International Workshop on Early Reliability Modeling for Aging and Variability in Silicon Systems (ERMAVSS)
Friday, March 18th 2016. Co-located with DATE (Design, Automation and Test in Europe) in Dresden, Germany.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline : December 4th 2015
Notification of Acceptance : December 14th 2015
Final paper due : January 29th 2016
About the Workshop:
With the proliferation of integrated circuits implemented in the most advanced process technologies, there is a growing need to jointly analyze the effect of multiple sources of failures including variability and aging and to understand, early in the design cycle, their impact on system reliability. Today, conservative margins are required to ensure that devices operate correctly over their full lifetime, despite the impact of aging effects (BTI, HCI) and failure mechanisms such as EM. New methodologies for improved cross-layer modeling and mitigation, if planned early in the design of a product, have the potential to remove unnecessary conservatism, reduce power and cost and improve yield. This workshop is focused on sharing new research on techniques and methodologies for modeling the effects of failures due to transistor aging, variability and other mechanisms all the way from the cell level to system level. New approaches to perform early estimations of system reliability are much needed to enabling reliable, optimized and low-power designs.
Authors are invited to submit a 2-4 page short paper (using the standard IEEE two-column conference format) on topics related to:
- Early reliability modeling for complex silicon devices
- Advanced Modeling of degradation effects (HCI, xBTI, EM) and variability
- EDA flows and design tools for analyzing the effects of variability and aging
- Assessment of semiconductor degradation and failure effects on embedded and safety critical systems
- Modeling of the effects of environment, mission profile and workload on reliability
Submisssion Details
Papers can be submitted at https://easychair.org/
International Conference on Data Mining, Electronics and Information Technology
2016 2nd International Conference on Data Mining, Electronics and Information Technology (DMEIT’16) Jan. 23-24, 2015 Patong Beach, Phuket (Thailand) Deadline of New Full Paper/Poster/Abstract Submissions: Nov. 25, 2015 The Proceedings of the Conference will be published by Emirates Research Publishing (ERPUB) and will be will be archived in ERPUB’s Digital Library. Each Paper will be assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from CROSSREF. Paper Page Limit: Regular Papers: 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references Topics of interest for submission include any topics on related to: SUBMISSION METHODS The template can be downloaded using the link: Conference Paper Template DOWNLOAD (.doc): http://erpub.org/ckfinder/ Enquiries: ed@eaceee.org CONFERENCE VENUE THE KEE Resort & Spa Hotel |
NOCS 2016
************************************************************ ********* Call for Papers 10th International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS 2016) August 31 - September 2, 2016 Nara, Japan http://www.arc.ics.keio.ac.jp/ nocs16 ****************************** ****************************** ********* The International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS) is the premier event dedicated to interdisciplinary research on on-chip, chip-scale, and multichip package scale communication technology, architecture, design methods, applications and systems. NOCS brings together scientists and engineers working on NoC innovations and applications from inter-related research communities, including computer architecture, networking, circuits and systems, packaging, embedded systems, and design automation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: NoC Architecture and Implementation: 1. Network architecture (topology, routing, arbitration) 2. NoC Quality of Service 3. Timing, synchronous/asynchronous communication 4. NoC reliability issues 5. Network interface issues 6. NoC design methodologies and tools 7. Signaling & circuit design for NoC links NoC Analysis and Verification: 1. Power, energy & thermal issues (at the NoC, un-core and/or system-level) 2. Benchmarking & experience with NoC-based hardware 3. Modeling, simulation, and synthesis of NoCs 4. Verification, debug & test of NoCs 5. Metrics and benchmarks for NoCs Novel NoC Technologies: 1. New physical interconnect technologies, e.g., carbon nanotubes, wireless NoCs, through-silicon, etc. 2. NoCs for 3D and 2.5D packages 3. Package-specific NoC design 4. Optical, RF, & emerging technologies for on-chip/in-package interconnects NoC Application: 1. Mapping of applications onto NoCs 2. NoC case studies, application-specific NoC design 3. NoCs for FPGAs, structured ASICs, CMPs and MPSoCs 4. NoC designs for heterogeneous systems, fused CPU-GPU architectures, etc 5. Scalable modeling of NoCs NoC at the Un-Core and System-level: 1. Design of memory subsystem (un-core) including memory controllers, caches, cache coherence protocols & NoCs 2. NoC support for memory and cache access 3. OS support for NoCs 4. Programming models including shared memory, message passing and novel programming models 5. Issues related to large-scale systems (datacenters, supercomputers) with NoC-based systems as building blocks On-Chip Communication Optimization: 1. Communication efficient algorithms 2. Multi/many-core communication workload characterization & evaluation 3. Energy efficient NoCs and energy minimization Electronic paper submission requires a full paper, up to 8 double-column IEEE format pages, including figures and references. The program committee in a double-blind review process will evaluate papers based on scientific merit, innovation, relevance, and presentation. Submitted papers must describe original work that has not been published before or is under review by another conference or journal at the same time. Each submission will be checked for any significant similarity to previously published works or for simultaneous submission to other archival venues, and such papers will be rejected. Proposals for special sessions, tutorials, and demos are invited. Paper submissions and demo proposals by industry researchers or engineers to share their experiences and perspectives are also welcome. Please see the detailed submission instructions for paper submissions, special session, tutorial, and demo proposals at the submission page. Further information is available via: http://www.arc.ics.keio.ac.jp/ nocs16 Important Dates: Abstract registration deadline February 5th, 2016 Full paper submission deadline February 12th, 2016 Notification of acceptance April 8th, 2016 Final version due May 18th, 2016 Organizing Committee General Co-Chairs: - Hideharu Amano (Keio University, Japan) - Partha Pratim Pande (Washington State University, USA) Technical Program Co-Chairs: - Hiroki Matsutani (Keio University, Japan) - Sriram Vangal (Intel, USA) Publicity Co-Chairs: - John Kim (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea) - Turbo Majumder (Intel, USA) - Maurizio Palesi (Kore University, Italy) Publication Chair: - Umit Ogras (Arizona State University, USA) Special Sessions Co-Chairs: - Michihiro Koibuchi (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) - Sudeep Pasricha (Colorado State University, USA) Tutorial Chair: - Paul Bogdan (University of Southern California, USA) Finance Chair: - Ikki Fujiwara (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) Registration Chair: - Takashi Nakada (University of Tokyo, Japan) Local Arrangements Chair: - Shinya Takamaeda (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) ****************************** ****************************** *********