1. Saleha Binti Mohamed Hussein, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Towards an Integrated Risk Management Framework for Malaysian Federal Statutory Bodies.
2. Noorul Ain Karis, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Users’ Perceptions on Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) in the Private Healthcare Sector in Malaysia.
3. Rosilawati Selamat, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Ezy Dose Memory PAC System for Medications Compliance.
4. Amir Syazali Amir Sharifudin, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, A Case Study on the Formulation and Selection of Business Strategy for the Shipbuilding Division of Labuan Shipyard & Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
5. Kavitha A/P Ramamurthi, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Study on Engineering Consultancy Firms Employees’ Intention to Leave Using the Job Engagement and Dispositional Factors.
6. Sara Soltanizadeh, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, The influence of business.utm.my strategy, environmental uncertainty, and technology sophistication on enterprise risk management and organizational performance.
7. Hafizah Zainol Abidin, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Effectiveness of Risk Management Practices at Network Delivery, Telekom Malaysia Berhad.
8. Kumaran Periasamy, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, An empirical study on the relationship of store atmosphere, experiential value and behavioural intention of hypermarket customer in Putrajaya.
9. Nurfitri Senin, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Perception on enterprise risk management implementation in Public Work Department.
10. Nur Efy binti Mohd Hamdari, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Risk management in Malaysian housing industry.
11. Adel Karimi, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Relationship between intellectual capital and firms’ performance in Malaysian Public Listed firms.
12. Ali Ahmadijoo, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Working capital and firms’ performance in Malaysian Public Listed Firms.
13. Paul Chan Hong Kit, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Perception of primary care physician on the impact of Malaysian managed care on doctor-patient relationships, ethical practice of medicine and quality of care.
14. Filzah binti Mohamed Othman, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Efficiency of locally-owned Islamic versus conventional banks in Malaysia using DEA (2009-2011).
15. Pooyan Behdarvandi, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, The role of perceived environmental uncertainty, business.utm.my strategy and Strategic Performance Measurement System (SPMS) design on organizational performance in Malaysian companies.
16. Ali Karimayan, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Relationship between loan loss provision and future earning, return and cash flow in commercial banks of Malaysia.
17. Mohamad Azhar Nizam, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Relationship between corporate governance practices and firm characteristics with risk weighted capital adequacy ratios of Malaysian Islamic Banks.
18. Mohd Aizat Abdull Manaf, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Leadership, organizational culture and organizational commitment.
19. Khairul Azuwan Hussein, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Consumer Evaluation of Healthcare Foodservice In Private Healthcare Hospital: Malaysian Context.
20. Hananeh Shahteimoori, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Impact of investment opportunity set and corporate finance on dividend pay-out policy in Malaysian companies.
21. Nargess Golshan, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Determinants of Enterprise Risk Management Framework Adoption.
22. Betsabeh Aghashahi, MBA Graduate Project, UTM IBS, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Financial Performance.
23. Anuar Che Ali, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Risk Management for Superior Project Performance in Petronas.
24. Nor Hazlin Mohammad, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Proposal for KPIs for the 9 Knowledge Areas of Project Management Maturity Level in Jabatan Kerja Raya.
25. Sri Viknesh a/l Permalu, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, A Procedure for Effective Contractor Evaluation Method for Gamuda Projects Using Evidential Reasoning Approach.
26. Mohd Nazira Mohd Nasir, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, A Study of Effectiveness Risk Management Monitoring and Control in JKR.
27. Hadzeri Hashim, Master in Project Management, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Implementing Customer Service Improvement in JKR.