Paper Reviewer
- Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business [Scopus], July 2015, April 2014.
- CSI Transactions on ICT, Springer, June 2015.
- Asian Journal of Business and Accounting [Scopus], 2016, April, 2015. April, 2012.
- Journal of Construction in Developing Countries [Scopus], June 2015.
- Management Research Review, Emerald, [Scopus], April 2015.
- International Journal of Management Accounting Research, July 2013.
- Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE [ISI], February 2016, January 2013 – 2014.
- International Journal of Innovation and Business Strategies, April 2013.
- International Journal of Business Performance Management, Inderscience [Scopus], February 2012.
- Jurnal Teknologi (JUTEK) College Science and Technology, 2009.
- International Journal of Leadership in Education, December, 2012.
- 17th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA) Conference, November 2011.
- International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences 2012 (ICIBSOS 2012).
- 19th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)