
23/11/2024: New paper accepted to Multimedia Tools and Applications

The paper addresses impulse noise removal from images. The link to the paper can be found here.

15/08/2024: One paper accepted to IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics

Due to the page limitation, some of the tables and figures are provided in a supplementary file that can be found here.

16/09/2023: Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Position

Graduate research assistantship (GRA) funding for local students available. For more details, check out the “Opportunities” section.

17/03/2023: Semester II 2022/2023 undergraduate research projects

I am recruiting self motivated mathematically inclined students to work on some research projects. More information, please go to the “Opportunities” section of my page.

6/5/2022: Research visit at Norway

I will be visiting Institute of Mathematics, University of Bergen, Norway for two months from 6/5/2022 to 1/7/2022. My host will be Professor Alexander Malyshev.

6/4/2022: New paper

Our new paper titled “A combined higher order non-convex total variation with overlapping group sparsity for Poisson noise removal” is published in Computational and Applied Mathematics! In this paper, we propose a new variational model for restoring images corrupted with Poisson noise. The paper can be found here. The MATLAB codes to reproduce the results in the paper can be found here.

5/1/2022: Undergraduate opportunities

For Next semester (Semester 2, 2021/2022) I am looking for TWO highly motivated SCSV/SCSVH undergraduate students to do a final year RESEARCH project related to deep learning for classification. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me. Do attach your CV, partial academic transcript, and a one-page/one and a half page essay that describes/addresses the following

  • Why are you interested in deep learning/machine learning
  • What is your personal experience with deep learning/machine learning
  • Why do you want to work with me on a research project related to deep learning/machine learning?

27/12/2021: New paper

Our new paper titled “An ℓ0-overlapping group sparse total variation for impulse noise image restoration” has been accepted! In this paper, we propose a new variational framework for impulse noise restoration. The proposed method performs very well in high-density impulse noise. The paper can be found here. The MATLAB codes to reproduce the results in the paper can be found here.