How do I stop SMS Text Advertising (SPAM) ?


Mobile Content Services

How do I stop SMS Text Advertising (SPAM) ?

If you receive unwanted messages from unknown numbers that advertise a business or service, or invite you to sign up a subscription-based service, it is likely that you could be getting ‘spammed’. SPAM is the common term for electronic ‘junk mail’ – messages sent to a person’s mobile phone that they have not consented to receive. The content of spam messages varies. Some messages promote products or services, while others attempt to trick users into providing bank account or credit card details. Many spam messages contain offensive or fraudulent material. If you think you have received spam on your mobile through any short codes, what you can do is type ‘OUT’ and send it to the same short code number. Make sure you keep the message and make a complaint to Consumer Forum of Malaysia. You may also visit their website for further details including other consumer information.