Programme Objectives

At the end of the programme, students should be able to::

  1. Apply basic knowledge, skills and abilities in planning, analyzing, managing, and developing human resource.
  2. Become practitioners who are capable of functioning as researchers, organization’s change agents, training need analyst, programme designers, managers, instructors, and administrators.
  3. Recognize, explore, and use a broad range of ideas and practices as well as think logically and creatively.
  4. Communicate and negotiate effectively across different cultures and audiences Respond and adapt readily to changing environments, and to continue learning independently

Program structures and features, curriculum and award requirements

The course is offered on full-time mode and is based on 2 semester academic session. The subjects are distributed and sequenced according to the level of knowledge i.e basic to advance. Assessment is based on formative and summative evaluation conducted throughout the semester.

Award requirements:

To graduate student should:

  • Attain a total of not less than 128 credit hours with minimum CPA of 2.0
  • Pass Industrial Training (equivalent to 12 credit hours)
  • Complete and pass the undergraduate reserch project (6 credit hours

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