To be recognised as a world-class centre of academic and technological excellence
To be a leader in the development of human capital and innovative technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation
Our Philosophy
The divine law of Allah is the foundation for science and technology. UTM strives with total and unified effort to attain excellence in science and technology for universal peace and prosperity in accordance with His will.
Institutional Core Values
1. Committed
The value suggests a strong sense of commitment,determination and responsibility in the conduct of one’s work, either on a personal basis or in groups. This should be reflected at all levels according to the role and expectations specified by the employer. Thus, the UTM staff should develop and enhance his commitment by focusing his mind and energy to conduct his responsibility to the best of his ability based on the required knowledge, skills and expertise guided by strong values and virtue.
2. Communicative
Communication is the key that allows people to engage, interact and adapt themselves in organisations and societies. The ability to communicate effectively and coherently is one of the traits of a professional and proficient staff. Thus, all UTM staff should be ready and able to communicate at all levels in contributing ideas, engaging in discourse, deliberating and discussing,making decisions and sharing experiences using various strategies and communication techniques to enhance his professionalism and expertise.
3. Creative
Creativity is the catalyst for innovation, performance development and excellence. The UTM staff should be creative in harnessing his potential and ability while exploiting new, original and practical ideas that have high values in respective fields of expertise from time to time. With the right climate and conducive environment at the university, creativity can be inspired, nurtured, developed and sustained.
4. Consistent
The image and reputation of an organization is created through a consistent long term planning process that creates a sense of unity and purpose in terms of values and principles. Consistent with UTM’s vision and mission, all staff are expected to be consistent and unified in their goals and aspirations through strong team spirit and togetherness in carrying their duties and responsibilities according to the principles and policies set forth by the university.
5. Competent
Competency in each individual assures successful implementation of assigned tasks that meet expectations and requirements in an efficient and effective way. Whether individually or in groups, all staff must be competent in their specialised fields and disciplines in order to remain relevant and competitive in the continuous drivefor improvement towards excellence.