“The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas”

i10 index
NO | ARTICLE TITLE | JOURNAL TITLE | ISSN | Vol. | Issues | Page | Publication year | IF | Type of Publication | Category of Publication | Quartile Ranking | Category Author |
1 | A Review of Hazardous Compounds Present in Construction Waste Materials | Environment and Ecology Research | 2331-6268 | 9 | 5 | 224-234 | 2021 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
2 | Evaluation of Space Science R&D Via Disruptive Space Technology (DST) | Solid State Technology Journal | 0038111X | 63 | 6 | 6706-6716 | 2020 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
3 | Integrated Approach as Sustainable Environmental Technique for Managing Construction Waste : A Review | Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques | 2309-1185 | 8 | 2 | 560-566 | 2020 | 1.12 | Scopus/ISI | Article | Co-Author |
4 | Mapping Social Enterprise to Sustainable Development Goals | International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development | 14787466, 14746778 | 19 | 2 | 209-216 | 2020 | 0.63 | WoS/ISI | Article | Q4 | UTM First Author |
5 | Competencies of Quantity Surveyors in Construction Industry: Document Reviews from Different Quantity Surveyor Professional Bodies | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 17578981 | 864 | 1 | 012098 | 2020 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
6 | Overview of Affordable Housing from Supply and Demand Context in Malaysia | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 1755-1315 | 409 | 1 | 012010 | 2020 | Scopus | Article | First Author |
7 | The User-requirements for Building Maintenance Management Systems in Malaysian Public Universities | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 17578981 | 620 | 1 | 012076 | 2019 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
8 | Ageing in Place Framework as Reference Guide for Elderly in Malaysia - Landed Property | Planning Malaysia Journal | 1675-6215 | 16 | 1 | 130-143 | 2018 | Scopus | Article | First Author |
9 | Current BIM Practices in Malaysian Construction Organisations: The Stakeholders’ Perspective | Malaysian Construction Research Journal | 2590-4140 | 3 | 1 | 97-113 | 2018 | 0.22 | Scopus/ISI | Article | Q4 | Co-Author |
10 | A Critical Review and an Assessment of University Industry Collaboration from The Readiness Perspectives | Jurnal Kemanusiaan | 1675-1930 | 26 | 1 | 77-86 | 2017 | Indexed | Article | Co-Author |
11 | Ageing in Place, an Overview for The Elderly in Malaysia | AIP Conference Proceedings | DOI 10.1063/1.5005434 | 1891 | 1 | 2017 | 0.40 | WoS/ISI | Article | First Author |
12 | Aras Design and Multimedia Centre (ADMC): It’s Pricing Strategy for Video Internet Market Training | Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies | 2045-0621 | 6 | 3 | 1-11 | 2016 | 0.12 | WoS/ISI | Article | Q4 | Co-Author |
13 | Building maintenance information systems: the adaptation of context aware technology | International Journal of Research in Chemical, Metallurgical and Civil Engineering | 2349-1442 | 3 | 1 | 90-93 | 2016 | Indexed | Article | Co-Author |
14 | Building Maintenance Management in Malaysia: An Overview | Innovation Vision: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth | i-vi | 2015 | WoS/ISI | Article | Co-Author |
15 | A Pilot Study of User-requirements for Building Maintenance Systems in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 16609336 | 773 | 1 | 875-879 | 2015 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
16 | Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban FM Setting | Facilities | 02632772 | 31 | 5/6 | 238-254 | 2013 | 1.97 | WoS/ISI | Article | Q2 | First Author |
17 | The Potential of Context-Aware Computing for Building Maintenance Management System | Applied Mechanics and Materials | 16609336 | 405 | 1 | 3505-3508 | 2013 | Scopus | Article | Co-Author |
18 | Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban FM Setting | In: Egbu, C. (Ed) Procs 26th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-8 2010 Leeds, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management | 9780955239045 | 2 | 1351-1360 | 2010 | Scopus | Article | First Author |
Proceedings / Conference
i) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Dilanthi Amaratunga (2017). Ageing in Place, an Overview for The Elderly in Malaysia, AIP Conference Proceedings 1891(1):020101, October 2017. DOI 10.1063/1.5005434 |
Seminars / Workshops
i) | APEC Programme in Rejuvenating Cities and Resilience Capacities for Multi-Challenges of Covid-19 Pandemic, Extreme Weather Events and Climate Induced Disaster (Rejuvenate-Cities-C19) in conjunction with International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021(13th Oct. 2021) |
ii) | Steering Committee Meeting 4/2021 – NADMA-JICA Survey on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Capacities of Local Governments in Malaysia 2020-2021 (15th July 2021) |
iii) | Webinar on Strengthening Urban Resilience in the World Heritage Sites: Learning from the Japanese and Malaysian Experience (7th July 2021) |
iv) | Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA) – Webinar “Risiko Bencana di Era Perubahan Iklim” (21st Oct. 2021) |
v) | Bengkel Auditor AKKP – Auditor OSHE, UTM Kuala Lumpur, (2017) |
vi) | Kursus Pengenalan AKKP – Auditor UTMKL 2017” Auditor OSHE, UTM Kuala Lumpur, (2017) |
vii) | Taklimat AKKP 2020 Kepada Auditor UTM Kuala Lumpur (1 April 2021) |
i) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban Facilities Management Setting: A Service Delivery Model, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Salford, Manchester, UK (2011). |
ii) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Outsoursing for Local Authority : Case Study of Shah Alam City Council FM Dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor (2016). |
iii) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Inefficiency of Property Management by Local Authority: Case Study of Shah Alam City Council. Property Management. Dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor (2002). |
Original Book
i) | Mohd Tobi, S U (2019) Qualitative Research, Interview Analysis & Nvivo12 Exploration (July 2019). Kuala Lumpur: Reezqi Publication. ISBN: 978-967-16080-1-2. |
ii) | Mohd Tobi, S U (2018) Mudahnya Kajian Literatur (Jun 2018). Kuala Lumpur: Reezqi Publication. ISBN: 978-967-16080-0-5. |
iii) | Mohd Tobi, S U (2017) Kajian Kualitatif dan Analisis Temu Bual (Jun 2017). Kuala Lumpur: ARAS Publisher. ISBN: 978-967-11662-5-3. |
iv) | Mohd Tobi, S U (2016) Qualitative Research, Interview Analysis & Nvivo11 Exploration (September 2016). Kuala Lumpur: ARAS Publisher. ISBN: 978-967-11662-4-6. |
v) | Mohd Tobi, S U. (2014) Qualitative Research & Nvivo10 Exploration (March 2014). Kuala Lumpur: ARAS Publisher. ISBN: 978-967-11662-2-2 |
vi) | Mohd Tobi, S U. (2013) Research Methodological Cage: Understanding the Qualitative Viewpoint (January 2013). Kuala Lumpur: ARAS Publisher. ISBN: 978-967-11662-0-8 |
vii) | Mohd Tobi, S U. (2012) Social Enterprise Applications in Urban FM Setting (15 November 2012). German: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 3659290351. |
Edited Book
i) | Preece, C. N., Fathi, M. S., and M. T., Siti Uzairiah.(2012) “Management in Construction Research Association (MiCRA 2012) Postgraduate Conference” Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2012-12-05): Kuala Lumpur (ISBN: 978-983-44732-0-4) |
Book Chapter
i) | S. U. Mohd Tobi and N. A. Mohamed Aris A. F. Ismail and K. Li, Challenges to Reactivate Abandoned Housing Project Development: A Case Study in Selangor, Trends and Issues of Housing in Malaysia, Volume 1, Edited by T. H. Jasimin and E. Hamzah, 2021, (accepted for publication on 15th Oct 2021) |
Expert Report
i) |
Sentuhan Kasih: Disaster Relief “Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CDBRM), (2021) for Yayasan Petronas, Prepared by National Disaster Management Association (NADIM) in partnership with Disaster Preparedeness & Prevention Centre (DPPC), MJIIT, UTM. |
ii) |
Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Tuti Haryati Jasimin, Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani, Suhaila Abd. Rashid (2020). Reactivation Mpdel for Abandoned Housing Project Development in Malaysia (ReMAH) – INSPEN (Grant No. 4B454) – Agreement no: NAPREC (R&D) 05/19, Institut Penilaian Negara, Kuala Lumpur. |
iii) |
Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Dilanthi Amaratunga (2018), Ageing in Place Overview for The Elderly in Malaysia – Landed Property Home for Generation X and Baby Boomers – INSPEN (Grant No.4B255) Agreement no: NAPREC (R&D) 14/16, Institut Penilaian Negara, Kuala Lumpur. |
iv) |
Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Abdul Karim Mirasa, Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Shuib Rambat, Siti Uzairiah Tobi, Yusof Daud and Nor A’ini Rajab, (2015) Context-Specific Information Delivery for Building Maintenance of Institutions of Higher Education In Malaysia – INSPEN (Grant No. 4B086) – Agreement no: NAPREC (R&D) 18/12, Institut Penilaian Negara, Kuala Lumpur. |
v) |
Udayangani Kulatunga, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Bingu Ingirige (2015) CApacity building to REduce disaster RISK in the UK and Malaysia (CARE-RISK: UK-Malaysia Partnership). Kuala Lumpur: Publisher – University of Salford, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia & British Council (Researcher Links). ISBN: British Library 9-781907-842610 |
Refereed Conferences
1) | Nur Aishah Mohd Noor S., Uzairiah Mohd Tobi S., Radin Salim K. (2020). Competencies of Quantity Surveyors in Construction Industry: Document Reviews from Different Quantity Surveyor Professional Bodies. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2nd Joint Conference on Green Engineering Technology and Applied Computing 2020, IConGETech 2020 and International Conference on Applied Computing 2020, ICAC 2020, Bangkok 4-5 February 2020 Vol. 864, Issue 1. |
2) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Tuti Haryati Jasimin, Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani, Suhaila Abd. Rashid, Nur Arzwin Mohamed Aris. Abandoned Housing Project Development in Malaysia: An Overview. 10th International Real Estate Research Symposium (IRERS2020). Kajang, Malaysia, 10-12 November 2020. |
3) | Ahmad Asmawi Abdul Samat, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Rafizah Musa (2019). Overview of Malaysia E-Government Online Services Through Benchmarking Approach. 2nd Connect-Us Conference (CuC 2019). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-10 October 2019. eISBN: 978-967-16755-2-6. |
4) | Ng. Chiew Teng, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi. Mohamad Syazli Fathi (2019). The Importance of Building Information Modelling for Construction Industry Stakeholders in Malaysia. 2nd Connect-Us Conference (CuC 2019). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 9-10 October 2019. eISBN: 978-967-16755-2-6. |
5) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Tuti Haryati Jasimin, Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani (2019). Overview of Affordable Housing Supply and Demand Context in Malaysia. 1st International Conference on Urban Design and Planning (ICUDep 2019). Semarang, Indonesia, September 10, 2019 |
6) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Dilanthi Amaratunga (2019). Ageing in Place for The Elderly in Malaysia: Landed Property Home for Gen X and Baby Boomers. 15th Naprec Conference (NAPREC 2019). Kajang, Malaysia, 4th September 2019. |
7) | Ng Chiew Teng, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Mohamad Syazli Fathi (2018). Requirements for BIM Adoption, 7th International Graduate Conference on Engineering Science and Humanity (IGCESH 2018). UTM Johor, August 13-15, 2018 |
8) | Ng Chiew Teng, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Mohamad Syazli Fathi (2017). The Challenges of Implementing BIM in Malaysian Construction Organisations: Stakeholders’ Perspective, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure and Engineering 2017 (SUSTAIN 2017). Kuala Lumpur, October 10, 2017. |
9) | Siti Solehah Kadir, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Tuti Haryati Jasimin (2017). An Overview of Implementation Outsourcing Services of Facilities Management in Malaysian Private Hospitals, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Urban Design for Liveable Cities 2017 (SUDLIC 2017). Kuala Lumpur, October 10, 2017. |
10) | Hamizan Ridzuan Johar Razali, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Siti Fatimah Ilani Bilyamin and Mohammad Hussaini Wahab (2017). The influence of Walkability towards Urban street Design in Kuala Lumpur, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Urban Design for Liveable Cities 2017 (SUDLIC 2017). Kuala Lumpur, October 10, 2017. |
11) | Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Dilanthi Amaratunga (2017). Ageing in Place, an Overview for The Elderly in Malaysia, 2nd International Conference on Applied Science and Technology Conference (ICAST 2017). Langkawi Island, Kedah, April 3-5, 2017. |
12) | Muhamet Abdullahu, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Maslin Masrom (2016). A Holistic Approach of Reassessing University-Industry Collaboration in Malaysia From The Change Readiness Perspective, 6th International Graduate Conference on Engineering, Science and Humanities (IGCESH 2016), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. |
13) | Zakir Hussein Mohamed Hashim, Mohamad Syazli Fathi and Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi (2015) “The Potential of Virtual Reality In Community Flood Disaster Preparedness Training” Seminar Bencana 2015, Universiti Malaysia Sabah – Grand Borneo, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. |
14) | Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Shuib Rambat, Siti Uzairiah Tobi and Nor A’ini Rajab. (2015) The User Requirements for Building Maintenance Management Systems in Malaysian Public Universities, The second International Conference on Construction and Building Engineering (ICONBUILD 2015) – Padang, Indonesia, August 11-13, 2015. |
15) | Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Shuib Rambat, Siti Uzairiah Tobi and Nor A’ini Rajab. (2015) A Pilot Study of User-requirements for Building Maintenance Systems in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 773-774, pp. 875-879, Jul. 2015. |
16) | Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Shuib Rambat, Siti Uzairiah Tobi and Nor A’ini Rajab. (2014) A Pilot Study of User-requirements for Building Maintenance Systems in Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, International Integrated Engineering Summit 2014 – UTHM, Batu Pahat, Johor, December 1-4, 2014. |
17) | Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Shuib Rambat and Siti Uzairiah Tobi. (2014) A Technology Review of Context-Aware Information System in Building Maintenance, 13th Annual Research Conference on Advancement in Business, Science and Technology, ARC-2014, Istanbul, Turkey, August 26-27, 2014. |
18) | Mohd Zulakhmar Zakiyudin, Mohamad Syazli Fathi, Shuib Rambat, Siti Uzairiah Tobi and Noraini Rejab, Building Maintenance Management in Malaysia: An Overview, 7th IRERS IBIMA International Conference, INSPEN, Selangor, 29 – 30 April 2014. |
19) | Abdullah, A A., Preece, C., Fathi, S., Mohd Tobi, S U. and Thang, T. (2013), Identification of Priorities for Ageing in Place in The Malaysian Residential Sector. In: Procs International Conference on Human Capital and Knowledge Management 2013 (HCKM) 2013. 3rd-4th December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: UTM Razak School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. |
20) | Rohaida Basiruddin, Siti Uzairiah Mohd Tobi and Farzana Quoquab (2013), Aras Design: Pricing Startegy. In: Proceedings of the UKM-GSB Seminar on Writing Cases for Teaching and Publication: Caselet Review and Critique. 12th-14th June 2013, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia: UKM Graduate School of Business, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. |
21) | Zakiyudin, M Z., Fathi, S., Rambat, S. and Mohd Tobi, S U. (2013), The Potential of Context-Aware Computing for Building Maintenance Management System. In : Procs The 3rd international Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials (CEABM) 2013. 25-26 May, Jinan, China: Shandong University, China. |
22) | Zakiyudin, M. Z., Fathi, M. S., Rambat, S., Mohd Tobi, S. U., Kasim, N., and Latiffi, A.A. (2013) The Potential of Context-Aware Computing for Building Maintenance Management Systems, The 2nd/2013 International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCAHE 2013), Zuhai, China, July 27-28, 2013. Changsha University of Science and Technology, China and Hong Kong Industrial Technology Research Centre |
23) | Abdullah, A A., Preece, C., Fathi, S. and Mohd Tobi, S U. (2012), A Review On The Identification of Ageing In Place Priorities in The Malaysian Residential Sector. In: Procs Management in Construction Research Association Postgraduate Conference (MICRA) 2012. 5th December, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: UTM Razak School, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. |
24) | Mohd Tobi, S U and Amaratunga, D (2010), Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban FM Setting: Pilot Study and Conceptual Framework. In: P. Barret; D. Amaratunga; R. Haigh; K. Keraminiyage and C. Phatirage (Ed) Procs CIB World Congress 2010, 10-13th May 2010, Greater Manchester, UK: International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction, paper ID 382. |
25) | Mohd Tobi, S U and Amaratunga, D (2010), Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban FM Setting. In: Egbu, C. (Ed) Procs 26th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-8 2010 Leeds, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management, pp. 1351-1360. |
26) | Mohd Tobi, S U and Amaratunga, D (2009), Social Enterprise in an Urban FM Setting: Concepts and Inter-relationships. In: Procs International Built & Human Environment Research Week (IRW) 2009. 29-30th January, Greater Manchester, UK: Research Institute for the Built and Human Environment, University of Salford. |
27) | Mohd Tobi, S U and Amaratunga, D (2009), Social Enterprise Applications in an Urban FM Setting: Research Methodological Perspectives. In: Procs Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC). 7-8th May 2009, University of Salford,Manchester, UK, pp. 238-251 |
28) | Mohd Tobi, S U and Amaratunga, D (2008), Social Enterprise in an Urban Facilities Management Setting. In: Procs Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC). 8-9th May 2008, University of Salford, Manchester, UK, pp. 242-253. |
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