Tuanku Chancellor’s English Language Meeting | UTM

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Postdoctoral Fellow UTM 2018

Dear Researchers,

Please be informed that the application for post-doctoral fellowship is now opened until 22 March 2018.

Complete hard copy applications must be submitted to RMC office before 1.00 pm on 22 March 2018 (Thursday).

For more information on the latest application guidelines and checklist, kindly visit RMC portal at (http://rmc.utm.my)

For further inquiries, applicant may directly contact post-doctoral fellowship secretariat at rmc.postdoc@utm.my

Applicant who does not received any feedback after three (3) months from the application submission date, is considered as unsuccessful application.

Thank you.

Hartini binti Darsono
Deputy Registrar
Research Management Centre
UTM, Johor Bahru
Tel: 07-5537837

RMC Portal : http://rmc.utm.my
RMC Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/tmcutm

RADIS : http://radis.utm.my/rmc/

RMC Helpdesk : http://r
1.Post Doctoral Guideline English Version.pdf




4.Post Doctoral Application Checklist

1.Post Doctoral Guideline English Version

FKM Colloqium : The Royal Institution of Naval Architects


Will be held as stated below.

Date : 05 March, 2018 (Monday)

Time : 2.30 pm – 3.30 pm

Venue : Seminar Hall, Level 1, Block C23

1st Presenter : Mr. Trevor Balekeley

Presentation Title : The Royal Institution of Naval Architects

Session Chairman : Dr. Kang Hooi Siang

All staff are kindly invited. Thank you.

The Royal Institution of Naval Architects is an international professional institution, whose members are involved at all levels in the design, construction, maintenance and management of marine vessels and structures in over 90 countries. Its members are represented at all levels in all sectors of the global maritime industry, and in over 60 universities world-wide. Membership of the Institution provides an internationally recognised demonstration of the achievement of the highest standards of professional competence, or the commitment to achieving those standards at the earliest opportunity. Membership also provides access to information on technical research and development in the global maritime industry through the Institution’s international publications, conferences and local Branches. The Institution has links with maritime organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation, where it contributes its collective expertise to the improvement of maritime safety and the protection of the maritime environment. The Institution provides a link between universities and industry in accrediting academic and graduate training programmes. In his presentation, Mr Trevor Blakeley, Chief Executive of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, will describe the global activities of the Institution and the benefits of membership to all those involved in the design, construction, maintenance and management of marine vessels and structures at all stages in their career, including students and staff at the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.

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