
The State of Academic Publishing

Why I Won’t Review or Write for Elsevier and Other Commercial Scientific Journals – The Wire Science

Sums up my sentiments on the current state of academic publishing. Food for thought.


Sharing Sessions

Last week I was fortunate to be involved in two great sharing sessions. The first was an invitation by SKE to give a talk sharing my experience of doing PhD at Imperial College London. My main points are:-

  • Balanced KPI: subjective & comprehensive, not reductive
  • Fundamental research: research for exploration’s sake
  • Industrial exposure: academia not the only route post-PhD
  • Life > PhD: be involved in community & personal development

The second was an invitation by my alma mater, the Communications & Signal Processing Research Group at Imperial College, to be a speaker at their CSP Alumni Day. I shared my career journey post-PhD including my stint as a Director at MOHE. Overall it was great to meet familiar faces and old friends. Proud to see my colleagues doing well in their respective careers.


PhD Vacancy

Interested? Contact me!