
Number of publications: 48

Number of citations: 697

SCOPUS H-index: 7

Selected top publications:

  1. MJ Cheok, Z Omar, MH Jaward, A Review of Hand Gesture and Sign Language Recognition Techniques, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 10(1), pp. 131-153, 2019. (Cited 199 times)
  2. Z Omar and T Stathaki, Image Fusion: An Overview, International Conference on Intelligent System, Modelling and Simulation, pp. 306-310, 2014. (Cited 30 times)
  3. ET Jaja, Z Omar, AAH Ab Rahman, MM Ahmad Zabidi, Enhanced Inter-mode Decision Algorithm for HEVC/H.265 Video Coding, Journal of Real-time Image Processing, 16(2), pp. 377-390, 2019. (Cited 6 times)

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