
The State of Academic Publishing

Why I Won’t Review or Write for Elsevier and Other Commercial Scientific Journals – The Wire Science

Sums up my sentiments on the current state of academic publishing. Food for thought.


Sharing Sessions

Last week I was fortunate to be involved in two great sharing sessions. The first was an invitation by SKE to give a talk sharing my experience of doing PhD at Imperial College London. My main points are:-

  • Balanced KPI: subjective & comprehensive, not reductive
  • Fundamental research: research for exploration’s sake
  • Industrial exposure: academia not the only route post-PhD
  • Life > PhD: be involved in community & personal development

The second was an invitation by my alma mater, the Communications & Signal Processing Research Group at Imperial College, to be a speaker at their CSP Alumni Day. I shared my career journey post-PhD including my stint as a Director at MOHE. Overall it was great to meet familiar faces and old friends. Proud to see my colleagues doing well in their respective careers.


PhD Vacancy

Interested? Contact me!


Welcome to Dr Zaid’s Site

Assalamu’alaykum and hello!

My name is Dr Zaid Omar, and I am an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Welcome to my professional website! Here is where you can find out about my biography, my teaching and research activities, and my other endeavours.