Intro to EE is not considered a technical subject, there are no theories or calculations involved, but nonetheless it’s a really fun topic! Basically, it’s about learning and understanding the What and Why of engineering. The course also covers aspects of science communication, report writing, project management, industrial exposure and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). Over the course of the semester, we will be going through step-by-step on these topics.
Module 1: This week we will be introduced to the subject of Intro to EE, as well as the Course Information. (Video lecture).
Module 2: This week we talk about the University academic system (calendar, grades and CGPA). And then we go into the Accreditation system including the Washington Accords, BEM, IEM, and MBOT. We also have a Quiz at the end! (Video lecture, Kahoot Quiz).
Module 3: For this week, we pivoted slightly away from the syllabus to learn about a topic that is close to my heart: Science Communication! We covered the What, Why and How of SciComm with some fun activities. Hope you found it useful! (Video lecture).
Module 4: This week we go into the topic of Technical Writing. We covered the difference of technical writing and popular writing, went through some examples, and the elements of technical writing. (Video lecture).
Module 5: This week we talked about Sustainability, with some fun class activities at the end. We covered contemporary topics of Kyoto Protocol and COP26, and calculate our own carbon footprints – with promises to reduce them. (Video lecture).
Module 6: This week we talked about a new technology called IOT. Basically it’s about connecting “things” and devices to each other through the internet. It has vast potential especially in the future as we move towards Industrial Revolution 4.0. We also did some activities listing down several current and potential applications of IOT in today’s world. (Video lecture).
Module 7: This week we covered two topics: Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (OSHE) and also Project Management. OSHE is about the various types of hazards and risks, as well as risk assessment and containment strategies. Meanwhile, project management introduces the concept of what is a project, elements of project management, and factors of why projects fail. We concluded with a discussion of failed projects in Malaysia and abroad. (Video lecture).