Today’s Event, MPOB Bangi…. 10 October 2019

My FB Posting..... YB Teresa Kok, Minister of Ministry Primary Industries FB posting.......... Exchange of documents... and Flag Off... … [Continue reading]

Innovate Johor 2019…. Gold Medal…

Alhamdulillah... Seikhlas mungkin... work for the best.... reward later... Aamiin... My FB posting..... … [Continue reading]

ADC Receives Visit from Universitas Indonesia, UI…. 30 Sept 2019

Lawatan muhibbah dari jiran sebelah.... Alhamdulillah.... … [Continue reading]

Innovate Johor… 30 Sept 2019

Semoga Allah swt mempermudahkan segala urusan kita... Aamiin... … [Continue reading]

Intern Syazani Hamzah Undergraduate Student from UTHM…. 29 Sept 2019

All the best Zan.... and Haqeem, Diploma student of UTHM... 😀 … [Continue reading]

Testo Gas Analyser – Training and commissioning… 24 September 2019

New gadget in the lab.... … [Continue reading]

Proud of being part of it…. 21 September 2019

Warming up session before Thermodynamics Marathon at UTMKL... 8:30am - 4:00 pm... … [Continue reading]

Last night agenda and last meeting of the day, 13 Sept … In shaa Allah…

Post meeting of Lumut Port UROV deployment... and potential assignment Bercam dam with MOZAI Subsea Consultancy... … [Continue reading]

2nd meeting of the day… 12 Sept… ADC UTM… Petron Malaysia… Petron Philippines…. Damansara Heights… Next, SEUT Underwater Techniques Sdn Bhd… 8pm.. Residence @ UTMKL

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Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB)…. Done with progress meeting … Next Petron

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