Getting ready for tomorrow…

1. MPOB Bangi,2. Petron Damansara,3. SEUT Underwater Techniques Residensi UTM KL ,4. MOZAI Subsea Consultancy UTM KL... … [Continue reading]

UROV Deployment…. Lumut Port 3 – 5 September

Team ADC, UTM and SEUT Underwater Techniques Sdn Bhd... Congratulations guys for the mission accomplished... Alhamdulillah... … [Continue reading]

From Skudai to Lumut…. UROV Assignment

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Activity of the day… 29 Aug 2019

UROV Deployment before Lumut assignment.... 02-06 Sept 2019 … [Continue reading]

eLPPT Major Selection… 21 August 2019

Dengar jelah... … [Continue reading]

Hari yang dinanti… Tahniah semua…

Selamat Datang dan Tahniah kepada semua mahasiswa mahasiswi SEMM, UTMSPACE... … [Continue reading]

Activity of the day….. 14 Aug 2019 at ADC, UTM ….

Meeting with SE Underwater Techniques Sdn Bhd .... UROV (underwater remotely operated vehicle)... way ahead... Conclusively next activity... UROV trial test. Our next destination of deployment.....   … [Continue reading]

Setia City Convention Centre, Shah Alam

ROBOTEX 2019... … [Continue reading]

True Colours of Malaysia

Hasil lawatan ke Pejabat Automotive Development Centre, UTM..... … [Continue reading]

Sustainable Energy… All about Thermodynamics…..

Are we ready mentally and physically.... My preparation on human resources... My SEMM 2413, Section 01... Ready guys... … [Continue reading]