Activity of the day… Promoting UTMSPACE Program…

Residensi UTM KL.... Day 2...😀 … [Continue reading]

Tahniah UTM….

Berkat usaha semua warga UTM... … [Continue reading]

Grasp the Grab Experience…

First timer of Grab user... Alhamdulillah everything goes well... 😀 … [Continue reading]

Jamuan Raya IVeSE 3 July 2019

1st time conducted by the Institute of Vehicle System... IVeSE … [Continue reading]

Industrial Collaboration Mission… Yanmar KK Research and Development Center (YKRC)

Team ADC, UTM... Ready to roll... … [Continue reading]

Class Exercise: Rankine Cycle with Multi-stage Expansion and Reheat….

How to get all the enthalpies is shown here..... Reheat Cycle-Class Exercise … [Continue reading]

Amanat Tahun Baharu 2019 oleh TNC(PI)….

Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi)... Tahun baharu... KPI baharu... Mohon tak bertambah... Semoga Allah swt mempermudahkan segala urusankita... Aamiin... … [Continue reading]

Kembali aktif mengemaskini halaman ini….

Semoga bermenafaat utk semua pelajar.... Terima kasih.... … [Continue reading]….STATUS…

After the struggling of learning WORDPRESS environment (two days).... almost done... For backup if something goes wrong with … [Continue reading]


Migrating from to May Allah swt ease my effort(s)....bcoz of this.... … [Continue reading]