- IP/CP/2014/4872 (Copyright) “Numerical Algorithm of Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Through a Tapered Overlapping Stenosed artery using Matlab Programming Language (SRZ_PFF_1)”.
- 2016 IP/CR/2016/2103 Ocw Ssce1693 Series Inventor
- 2016 IP/CR/2016/2113 Ocw Ssce1693 Vectors Inventor
- IP/CR/2017/0099 (Invention Disclosure) “FEM and COMSOL Multiphysics Hands-On Module”.
Please feel free to contact (zuhaila@utm.my), if you require any further information about this hands-on module.
- IP/CR/2018/0099 Modul Pengukuhan Matematik Tambahan – Pembezaan Co-Inventor
- IP/CR/2019/0995 Numerical Algorithms Of Newtonian And Non-Newtonian Blood Flow Through A Bifurcated Artery With An Overlapping Stenosis Using Matlab Programming Language Inventor
- IP/CR/2019/0878 Hands-On Module Of Fluid Dynamic Simulation Model Of The Human Eye Using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.2 Inventor
- IP/CR/2019/0769 Lecture Notes On Engineering Mathematics Co-Inventor