A happy HiHi session with my beloved students. I wish you all enjoy your study in your 5th semester under new normal (19-10-2020, 10 am – 10.50 am, Webex)

A happy HiHi session with my beloved students. I wish you all enjoy your study in your 5th semester under new normal (19-10-2020, 10 am – 10.50 am, Webex)
Big congratulations to Cheng Yee who won the first place in Poster Pitching Competition under Research Month@FS program. (24/8/2020)
My two PhD students Ling Chui Min and Alice Sim Hui Li joined the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) under supervision of Prof Dr Vinoth Kumar Ponnusamy starting from 28 September 2023 until 24 March 2024. The research internship program in Taiwan had exposed the students to a world-class laboratory in the Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU), Taiwan. The students were given chance to use some advanced analytical equipment while carrying out their research project at KMU. Sincere gratitude to Prof Kumar and his team at KMU for the wonderful and fruitful research attachment for our PhD students.
The Faculty of Science, UTM is organizing Publication Workshop as one of the programs in FS Research Year 2024 on 30 April 2024. I have been invited as one of the speakers to share my own experience in publication with our young lecturers and post-graduate students. Hopefully, all the participants have gained important info from the sharing session, and they are motivated to WRITE and PUBLISH. Go for EXCELLENCE!!
Welcome back to UTM campus, Nurul Syarena, Zuriani, Siti Salinah and Hao Lin! I hope you can plan your lab work well as you might have only not more than 10 weeks to complete your lab work and submit your report. Work for it!!
A virtual Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signing ceremony between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and CSC Screen Process Supplies, was held in conjunction of FS Research Week 2021 on 16 March 2021. The ceremony was officiated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aznah Nor Anuar, Vice Director of UTM Centre for Community & Industry Network. The MoU and MoA were signed by Professor Chemist Dr. Abdull Rahim Mohd Yusoff, Dean of the Faculty of Science, UTM and Mr Chew Chee Seng, Managing Director of CSC Screen Process Supplies Sdn Bhd. The MoU and MoA signing ceremony was witnessed by Assoc. Prof. Chemist Dr. Lee Siew Ling from UTM and Ms Leong Mei Foong from CSC Screen Process Supplies Sdn Bhd.
Attending the virtual signing ceremony were:
(CSC Screen Process Supplies Sdn Bhd)
1. Mr Chew Chee Seng (Managing Director)
2. Ms Leong Mei Foong (Senior Plant Manager)
3. Mr Chew Yi Quan (Head of Digital Department)
4. Dr Koh Pei Wen (R&D Executive)
5. Mr Chew Yi Bin (R&D Executive)
(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
The MoU and MoA were initiated by Dr. Lee Siew Ling and Mr Chew Chee Seng as a result of their previous collaborative research since 2014 under a MoU. Their research product of “New Photocatalyst of Homogeneous Nitrogen Doped Titania Nanomaterials” won a bronze award in the 17th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX) in 2015. The previous MoU ended in 2017.
The overarching aim of the MoU and MoA is to enable both FS and CSC to work together to develop strong links in research. With the signed MoU and MoA, both parties will continue to explore further opportunities for collaborative research in the development of performing fabric using promising photocatalyst. The collaboration would also beneficial to both parties in human resource and talents development as well as research grant securing.
Both UTM and CSC would like to express their gratitude to all the parties involved in ensuring this virtual MoU and MoA signing ceremony runs successfully.
My name is Lee Siew Ling. I have grown up in small village at Johor. After obtaining my PhD degree in Material Chemistry from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2004, I had worked as a postdoctoral researcher for 2 years at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. I have been serving as lecturer at Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia since 2007. I have chosen teaching as my career because teaching is meaningful and challenging. My interest in teaching began when I worked as a tutor to assist undergraduates in their practical and tutorials during my PhD study. I realised that the importance of an educator to influence one’s learning and thus produce a positive impact in life.
Teaching is to facilitate learning. Teacher/lecturer is essential in helping students to understand a concept, exposing students to new knowledge and thus assisting them to apply the concepts.
Currently, I am an Associate Professor at Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, UTM. My main teaching responsibilities are undergraduate courses lecture. My teaching activities involve Chemical Thermodynamics, Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry and Corrosion Chemistry, Research Methodology and Information Retrieval and Laboratory Occupational Safety and Health lectures to undergraduate students. Besides, I am responsible to supervise the undergraduate and postgraduate researches in their research project. In every semester, I supervise 2 to 4 undergraduate students in research of catalysis and advanced materials.
Besides teaching, I enjoy in doing research. I am now the Fellow Researcher at the Center for Sustainable Nanomaterials, Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research. My research interest is in material chemistry for heterogeneous catalysis and mesoporous materials synthesis. I have received UTMShine Award in 2015 as one of the most active young researchers in UTM. I hope I would be able to contribute more to the development of community and industry through my research activities.