WINNER of Transformative Teaching : Alternative Assessment. Special Award of YB Minister of Education (AKRI 2018)


2019 Anugerah Pengajaran Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan
2018 WINNER of Transformative Teaching : Alternative Assessment. Special Award of YB Minister of Education
(AKRI 2018)
2017 Mooc Excellence Award for Active Student Participation 2016 2017
2016 University Excellent Service Award
2016 SILVER award for “Integration of MOOCS as Blended Learning in Reseach Methodology Course” in International University Carnival on E-Learning (IUCEL) 2016.
2015 Vice Chancellor Innovation Award 2015 for the innovation of “Sistem Maklumat Latihan Mengajar”, Citra Karisma, 7 June 2015
2015 BRONZE award for “Online-Teachers’ Assessment Competency Inventory [O-TACI] ” in International Expo on Research and Innovation in Higher Education (PECIPTA)
2015 MOOC teaching award (Subject Expert).
2015 Award and Recognition on Contribution and MOOC usage in UTM.
2014 “National Best Thesis Award” from Yayasan Nurul Yaqeen
2014 BRONZE award for “Online-Teachers’ Assessment Competency Inventory [O-TACI] ” in 16th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX).
2014 BRONZE award for “The Six Secret: Searching for Self Success” in Invention &Innovation Malaysia Technology Expo.
2013 BRONZE award for “The Six Secret: Searching for Self Success” in 15th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition (INATEX).