Synopsis (Edit):                                                                                                                                                           

This course covers project organisations, phases of the project life-cycle, project charters, work breakdown structures, CPM/PERT network diagrams and risk analysis. This subject also covers scheduling resources and costs, reducing project duration as well progress performance measurement and evaluation.  Currents issues related to project management will be discussed.

Course Outlines:

  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Project Identification, Selection and Evaluation of projects,
  • The Project Manager and Project Organisation
  • Project Planning, Work-Breakdown Structures,
  • Scheduling, Budgeting and Resource Allocation
  • Network Techniques, PERT/CPM
  • Scheduling Resources and Costs
  • Reducing Project Duration
  • Project Monitoring and Control, Evaluation and Performance Measurement.
  • Contract Strategy, Risk Management and Contingency