Improved Statistical Feature-based Control Chart Patterns Recognition using ANFIS with Fuzzy Clustering

Munawar Zaman and Adnan Hassan (2019) . Improved Statistical Feature-based Control Chart Patterns Recognition using ANFIS with Fuzzy Clustering. Neural Computing and Applications, Vol 31 (10). p.5935-5949, Springer. DOI 10.1007/s00521-018-3388-2 (IF: 4.215)


Various types of abnormal control chart patterns can be linked to certain assignable causes in industrial processes. Hence, control chart patterns recognition methods are crucial in identifying process malfunctioning and source of variations. Recently, the hybrid soft computing methods have been implemented to achieve high recognition accuracy. These hybrid methods are complicated, because they require optimizing algorithms. This paper investigates the design of efficient hybrid recognition method for widely investigated eight types of X-bar control chart patterns. The proposed method includes two main parts: the features selection and extraction part and the recognizer design part. In the features selection and extraction part, eight statistical features are proposed as an effective representation of the patterns. In the recognizer design part, an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) along with fuzzy c-mean (FCM) is proposed. Results indicate that the proposed hybrid method (FCM-ANFIS) has a smaller set of features and compact recognizer design without the need of optimizing algorithm. Furthermore, computational results have achieved 99.82% recognition accuracy which is compa- rable to published results in the literature.

Keywords Control chart patterns recognition ? Fuzzy clustering ? ANFIS ? Statistical features

1 Introduction

In any quality improvement program, accurate detection of process variations is critical. Normally, such detection is done by using statistical process control (SPC) techniques. For detection of process variations, statistical signals from SPC are used to measure process deviations from stable state. Furthermore, detection of process variations by SPC control chart helps to monitor the process at the required quality level. X-bar control chart developed by Walter A. Shewhart in 1924 remains as one of the most widely used SPC tool to detect process variations in manufacturing [1].

The behaviors of time-based data plotted on control charts are usually recognized in terms of control chart pat- terns (CCPs). Different types of control chart patterns would be interconnected to some particular assignable causes. Accurately and timely recognition of control chart patterns provides appropriate process monitoring without loss of required quality level. The most widely used control chart patterns are shown in Fig. 1. Brief descriptions of these patterns are given below:

1. Normal pattern (NOR) Normal patterns have points positioned within control limits. Most of the time normal patterns are observed in any system and system is considered as in-statistical control.

2. Trend pattern (TU or TD) A trend pattern is either increasing or decreasing in one direction. The upward movement of points is known as upward trend (TU) and downward movement is called downward trend (TD). Trend patterns could be associated with assign- able causes of tool wear, seasonal effects and operators fatigue, etc.

3. Shift pattern (SU or SD) A shift pattern is the abrupt change in the mean of a process. Upward movement of mean on control chart is called upward shift (SU) and downward movement is called downward shift (SD). Shift patterns are observed when new operator, method or materials are introduced in the systems. Also, if minor failures of machine parts are present shift pattern will be observed.

4. Systematic pattern (SYS) Normal patterns data points behave on control chart haphazard or random. In systematic departure patterns, a high point is always followed by a low point and vice versa. The variation in systematic pattern is high as compare to normal pattern.

5. Cyclic pattern (CYC) Cyclic patterns on control chart can be predicted by a series of high portions or peaks and low portions or trenches. The behavior is observed on control chart like sinusoidal. Cyclic patterns are observed due to systematic seasonal changes like fluctuation in pressure, operator fatigues, and fluctuation in voltages.

6. Stratification pattern (STRA) Stratification behavior on control chart is observed when all data points spread near center line within plus minus one sigma. This unexpected low variation, probably due to computa- tional errors.

Fig. 1 Widely used eight types of control chart patterns



2 ANFIS design and development for CCPs recognizer



3 Results and discussion

4 Conclusions and future work

The extensive practices of online data collection systems have enlarged the need to automate the analysis of process data to minimize process variations with little or no oper- ator involvement. This study presented a new hybrid method for detecting process variations by improving ANFIS performance in two parts; selection and extraction of effective statistical features and development of hybrid recognition method for eight types of widely used patterns. A set of eight statistical features has been selected to achieve better recognition accuracy and to avoid over fit- ting by compact input data set. The new proposed recog- nition method has a combination of fuzzy c-mean (FCM) and ANFIS using eight statistical features. We compared performance of the proposed hybrid FCM–ANFIS method using two types of data sets, randomly generated using standard equations and the published data set. The simu- lation results indicate that the proposed hybrid method achieves comparable classification accuracy for eight types of investigated CCPs without the need of additional optimization algorithm. This study can be extended to further evaluate incomplete and developing patterns.


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