AP Dr Ary Mahdzir


Psychometrics; Rasch Model; Measurement & Evaluation; STI Policy; IP Analytics; Mental Health

About Ary

AP Dr. Akbariah Mohd Mahdzir brings thirteen years of psychometric research experience on board upon completion of her doctoral studies in Measurement and Evaluation. Her precise interest is on the aspect of instrument development and validation with the application of Rasch Model and Structural Equation Modelling. She has also conducted several successful qualitative researches. She teaches mainly at the master and doctoral levels. She has published numerous papers and has provided consultancy services to organizations in and outside Malaysia such as UNESCO, Examination Syndicate, Education Planning and Research Department, Ministry of Education Malaysia, MIMOS Berhad and States Government agencies in Malaysia.

AP Dr Ary is currently the Head of Intellectual Property and Innovation Management iKohza at Malaysia Japan International Institute of Technology in Malaysia. Her esteemed team works closely with Yamaguchi University, Japan particularly on  Intellectual Property Analytics (IPA) to discover relationships, trends and patterns in the data for decision making particularly for businesses.

Research interest

As a psychometrician, her expertise includes multidimensional item response theory models, latent class models, and and computer-adaptive testing applications. She is also keen in the areas such as the cognitive foundation of testing, measurement issues in performance assessment or modelling, in addition to her proficiency in applied multivariate statistics.

Other areas of research interest are mental health in particular on the area of psychoneuroimmunology

The Person

She is a hopeless idealist, devoted to real cause, trying to be fair-minded, a dreamer and may be dopamine deficient: a good excuse for her to enjoy her coffee

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Senior Lecturer


Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Kuala Lumpur

Email: akbariah.kl@utm.my

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Waqf Quotient (WQ) © 2018

Waqfee Model © 2018

Abiding Marriage Model  © 2017

Marital Strength Scale © 2017

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