- Ling Jen, S., & Salam, A. R. (2025). Using PTWS approach to improve secondary school students’ essay writing skills. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 8(12), 1887–1896.
- Ling Jen, Shirley, and Abdul Rahim Salam. “Revolutionising Essay Writing Using Artificial Intelligence.” Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 10, no. 4s, 2025,
- Mohamed, B. A. S., Salam, A. R., & Alwahoub, H. M. (2024). Acceptance of learning vocabulary via mobile-assisted language learning among Community College of Qatar foundation students: Quizlet as a tool. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 14(2), 451–460.
- Ling Jen, S., Salam, A. R. (2024). A Systematic Review on The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Writing. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development (IJARPED), 13(1), 1819-1829.
- Ling Jen, S., Salam, A. R. & Abdelhady Ahmed, M. N. (2023). Perceptions of secondary school students towards the use of Wakelet Students’ Ambassador Programme. Journal of ICT in Education, 10(2), 13–28.
Majid, S. N. A., & Salam, A, R. (2023). Cognitive, Social, and Teaching Presences among Postgraduate Students on the Mobile Instant Messaging Platform. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL Number 9. July 2023. 219-233. - DOI:
- He, Y., & Salam, A. (2022). Oral English Development in Virtual Class among Chinese Learners through Three Ways of Talking. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) 2nd Special Issue on Covid 19 Challenges (2) 120-134.
DOI: - Al-Oqaily, E. I., & Salam, A. R. (2022). The Use of Blackboard in the Practice of English-Speaking Skills among Saudi EFL Learners during COVID-19. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) 2nd Special Issue on Covid 19 Challenges (2) 342 -355.
DOI: - Siti Norzaimalina, Abdul Rahim Salam. A Systematic Review of Augmented Reality Applications in Language Learning. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), [S.l.], v. 16, n. 10, p. pp. 18-34, May. 2021. ISSN 1863-0383. doi:
- Abdullah A. Almadhady, Abdul Rahim Haji Salam, Harmi Izzuan Baharum. The Use of Mall Applications to Enhance English Speaking Skills Among Arab EFL Learners. Psychology and Education (2021) 58(4): 3237-3255 ISSN:00333077
- Abdullah A. Almadhady, Abdul Rahim Haji Salam, Harmi Izzuan Baharum. The Perception of Iraqi EFL Learners towards the Use of Mall Applications for Speaking Improvement. Psychology and Education (2021) 58(3): 2477-2496 ISSN:00333077
- Abdullah A. Almadhady, Abdul Rahim Haji Salam, Harmi Izzuan Baharum. The Motivation of Arab EFL University Students Towards Using Mall Applications for Speaking Improvement. Universal Journal of Educational Research ISSN: 23323205, Vol. 8, Issues 11C 10.13189/UJER.2020.082304
- Faizal Yamimi, Abdul Rahim Salam, Nurhidayah Mohd Sarif, Azura Sirri, Abdul Hafiz Abdullah. Needs and Preferences of Qur‟anic Arabic Vocabulary Learners Regarding Learning through Qur‟anic Arabic Mobile Applications. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol. 24, Issue 05, 2020 ISSN: 1475-7192
- Abdul Rahim Salam, Faizal Yamimi, Nurhidayah Mohd Sarif, Azura Sirri. Features and Teaching/Learning Activities Used In Educational Android Mobile Applications to Teach Quranic Arabic Vocabulary. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-5C, May 2019 India.
- Faizal Yamimi, Abdul Rahim Salam, Abdul Hafiz Abdullah. Determining Areas of Improvement in Quranic Arabic Vocabulary Learning Mobile Applications through Analysis of App User Reviews. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8 Issue-5C, May 2019 India.
- Sohrab Khan, Abdul Rahim Salam. Oral Communication Barriers Facing Arab Medical Students. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development (IJPHRD). 10.5958/0976-5506.2019.01497.9
- Syazwani Zakaria; Abdul Rahim Salam; Wan Zarina Wan Zakaria. A Study on Anxiety among English Language Learners in School of Hospitality and Tourism, KYJ . Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development . Nov2019, Vol. 10 Issue 11, p3315-3320. 6p
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah. Perceptions of Students of English as a Foreign Language about Oral Communication Apprehension in Libya. Man In India Journal, Volume 97, No. 9; 2017; 433-444
- Ng Siew Fong, Abdul Rahim Salam, Wan Fara Adlina. Constructing Literature Review: E-tutors’ Fedback and Concern. Man In India Journal, Volume 96, No.1; 2016; 419-426 ISSN: 00251569, Elsevier B.V.
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah Oral Communication Apprehension in EFL Learners: An Overview. Advanced Science Letter Journal, Volume 22, No. 12; 2016; 444-4443 ISSN:1936-6612, American Scientific Publisher.
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah.A Qualitative Exploration of Oral Communication Apprehension Among Libyan EFL Learners. The Social Sciences Year: 2016; Volume:11, Issue: 23; 5796-5802 DOI: 10.3923/sscience.2016. 5796.5802. Medwell Journals
- Implementing Hybrid E-Learning on English as a Foreign Language in Islamic College (August 14, 2016). Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL No.3 July 2016 . Available at SSRN:
- Farhana Diana Deris and Abdul Rahim Salam. Virtual Communities in an Online English Language Learning Forum. International Education Studies. International Education Studies; Vol. 8, No. 13; 2015 ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
- Sarala Thulasi, Abdul Rahim Salam and Fauziah Ismail.Role of Model Essays in Developing Students Writing Skills in Malaysian Schools: A Review of Literature DOI: 10.5901/mjss. 2015. v6n2s1p56
- Abdul Rahim Salam.The Concept of Technology Supported Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning Via Digital Interactive Audio Capturing Tool. Journal of Technology in Science & Engineering, Vol. 75, No. 3; 2015 E-ISSN2180-3722. UTM PRESS.
- Sarala Thulasi, Abdul Rahim Salam and Fauziah Ismail. Comparative Analysis of Process Versus Product Approach of Teaching Writing in Malaysian Schools: Review of Literature. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 22 (6): 789-795, 2014 ISSN 1990-9233 © IDOSI Publications, 2014 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2014.22.06.21943
- Farhana Diana Deris and Abdul Rahim Salam. e-Practices in Developing Community in Online ESL Learning LSP International Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2017, 13–25© Universiti Teknologi Malaysia E-ISSN 2289–3199 / ISSN 0128–732X
- Rohaya Kahar and Abdul Rahim Salam. Exposing Students to Industrial Experience through Workplace Exposure Project for Business Communication. LSP International Journal. Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2016, 19–30. UTM PRESS.
- Sarala Thulasi, Abdul Rahim Salam and Fauziah Ismail. Evaluating Product Approach In The Context Of Malaysian Classrooms: A Conceptual Paper. LSP International Journal. Vol. 2, Issue 2, 2015, 01-06, UTM PRESS.
- Ng Siew Fong, Abdul Rahim Salam, Wan Fara Adlina. Constructing Literature Review: E-tutors’ Feedback and Concern. International Conference on Educational Studies (ICES 2015). Johor Bahru Malaysia
- Nur Fairuz, Abdul Rahim Salam and Adlina A. Samad. “ESL Primary School Learners’ Engagement in Online Vocabulary Games”. In Activities in ESL Classrooms. Penerbit UTM Press 2017
- Andi Yauri and Abdul Rahim Salam.Promoting e-Learning of istening Skills Among EFL Students of an Islamic College. In “Language Learning Approaches That Work”. Penerbit UTM Press 2015
- Abdul Rahim Salam, Adlina A. Samad and Wan Fara Adlina. “Technologising” Face-to-Face (F2F) Learning. In “Research in Online Language Teaching & Learning”. Penerbit UTM Press 2012
- Amin Zaragede, Wan Fara Adlina and Abdul Rahim Salam. Network-based Microteaching: The Effects of Peer Feedback on Trainees’ Lesson Plan. In “Research in Online Language Teaching & Learning”Penerbit UTM Press 2012
- Collaborative Story Writing via Wiki Among Postgraduates. In “Research in Online Language Teaching & Learning”. Penerbit UTM Press 2012
- Abdul Rahim Salam, Adlina A. Samad and Wan Fara Adlina . Computer Integrated Classroom (CiC) Technology Tools: Interaction for Knowledge. In “Call For Teacher”. Penerbit UTM Press 2011
- Abdul Rahim Salam, Adlina A. Samad and Wan Fara Adlina . Analysing Data Using Transana Software. In “Call For Teacher”. Penerbit UTM Press 2011
- Faizal Yamimi Mustaffa, Abdul Rahim Salam, Faruk Muhammad, Ghazali Bunari and Lokman Hafiz Asary. Literature review of educational app evaluation rubrics. Language Specific Purpose International Journal, 2018
- Azura Sirri, Awis Rumaisya Azizan, Faizal Yamimi Mustaffa & Abdul Rahim Abdul Salam. Common features in popular Android vocabulary mobile apps. Language Specific Purpose International Journal, 2018
- Renuka Gunasakaran and Abdul Rahim Salam. The Impact of Webquest in the Teaching of Reading Among Primary ESL Learners. International Conference of English Language Literature and Teaching (LANGLIT) 2017, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu.
- Farhana Diana Deris and Abdul Rahim Hj Salam. e-Practices in Developing Community in Online ESL Learning Environment. The 10th International Language for Specific Purposes Conference 2016. Kuala Lumpur.
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah. A Qualitative Exploration of Oral Communication Apprehension Among Libyan Efl Learners. International Conference On Science, Engineering, Management And Social Science (ICSEMSS 2016). Faculty of Built Environment, 2016.
- Sarala @Thulasi, Fauziah Ismail and Abdul Rahim Salam. The Influence of Belief on Teacher Trainees’ Writing Instructions in the Language Classroom. The 10th International Language for Specific Purposes Conference 2016. Kuala Lumpur.
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah. Perceptions Of Students Of English As A Foreign Language About Oral Communication Apprehension In Libya. International Education Postgraduates Seminar (IEPS) 2016.
- Ng Siew Fong, Abdul Rahim Salam and Wan Fara Adlina Wan Mansor. Pedagogical Prominences in Evaluating Students’ Literature Review Writing. The 10th International Language for Specific Purposes Conference 2016. Kuala Lumpur Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 26 JULY 2016
- Elham Mahmoodi, Adlina A Samad and Abdul Rahim Salam. Academic Efl Learners’ Motivation Through The Use Of Commercial Computer Games In Learning English. International Conference On Science, Engineering, Management And Social Science (ICSEMSS 2016). Faculty of Built Environment, 2016.
- Andi Yauri, Abdul Rahim Salam and Harmi Izzuan Baharum. E-Listening Platform Acceptance of Pre-Service Teacher Training at Islamic College. The 10th International Language for Specific Purposes Conference 2016. Kuala Lumpur Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 26 JULY 2016
- Abdalnaser Alamaria, Abdul Rahim Salam and Tina Abdullah. Oral Communication Apprehension Among Libyan EFL Learners. The 10th International Language for Specific Purposes Conference 2016. Kuala Lumpur Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 26 JULY 2016
- Farhana Diana Deris and Abdul Rahim Hj Salam. Hermeneutic Phenomenology Inquiry on Teacher E-Practices in Online ESL Learning Environment. The International Qualitative Research Conference (24-26 May 2016) UNIVERSITI UTARA MALAYSIA
- Sarala Thulasi, Abdul Rahim Salam and Fauziah Ismail.Product Approach as a Writing Instruction in Malaysian ESL Classroom. The 9th LSP and the 6th GABC 2014 International Conference. Kuching Malaysia.
- Rohaya Kahar and Abdul Rahim Salam. Exposing Students to Industrial Experience through Workplace Exposure Project for Business Communication. The 9th LSP and the 6th GABC 2014 International Conference. Kuching Malaysia.
- Abdul Rahim Salam and Hassan Zakaria.Developing Online Community: Where Does Teacher Practices Fit In? 1st International Education Postgraduate Seminar. Vol 1. 2014, 5-20, Faculty of Education, KSL Resort Johor Bahru.
- Screencast Feedback Practice on Students’ Writing. Asia-Pacific Social Science Conference (APSSC) 2014. Seoul 2014
- Sarala Thulasi, Abdul Rahim Salam and Fauziah Ismail. How Indispensible Are Model Essays In Malaysian Classrooms? Prosiding Persidangan Antarabangsa Kelestarian Insan 2014 (INSAN2014). Batu Pahat, Johor
- Andi Yauri and Abdul Rahim Salam. Implementing Hybrid Learning on English as A Foreign Language (EFL) Pre-service Teacher of an Islamic College. The 9th LSP and the 6th GABC 2014 International Conference. Kuching Malaysia.
- Abdul Rahim Salam. Digital Interactive Audio Capturing Tool for Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning. 2nd International Conference on Interactive Digital Media. Faculty of Computing Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2013
- Abdul Rahim Salam. Hybrid Network Based Collaborative Learning Among ESL Pre- Service Teachers di International Conference SOLLs Intec. Language, Culture, & Literacy: Engaging Diversity in Challenging Times 11 – 12 May 2011 Equatorial Hotel Bangi, Selangor
- Abdul Rahim Salam. Technology Integrated Face-to-face Learning, 18th MELTA International Conference, 11-13 June 2009, Puteri Pacific Hotel, Johor Bahru, Johor.
- Abdul Rahim Salam. Data Collection Tools for Computer Support Synchronous Interactions of Knowledge Construction among ESL Pre-service Teacher: A Glimpse at the Computer Integrated Classroom (CIC) Technology Feasibility. Post Graduate Seminar 2008 Fakulti Pendidikan UTM.
- Abdul Rahim Salam. Analysing Data for Computer Support Synchronous Interaction of Knowledge Construction among ESL Pre-service Teacher: A Glimpse at the Transana Software Capability. Post Graduate Seminar 2008 Fakulti Pendidikan UTM.
- Abdul Rahim Salam . International Symposium on E-Learning 2005 (CSCL Among TESL Trainees) 25-26 July 2005, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
- Abdul Rahim Salam. 3rd International Qualitative Research Convention 2005 Digital Language Lab: Creating Opportunities and Assisting Researcher to Collect Data via Integrated Pedagogical Teaching and Learning Equipment Sytem. 21-23 August 2005, Senai Sofitel Palm Resort, Johor, Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
English Communication for Learners in Engineering, McGraw Hill 2003
Scopus H-index 4.
Google Scholar Citation H-index 6.