Self-reflection of Teaching Development

Every semester, my teaching performance will be evaluated by students. I found with time that the students’ rating gets consistent over the years and I always try to be better or at least maintain the same ratings every semester.

I always look for ways to improve my teaching skills and techniques. It is needed to cater the changes of student through the time. Several steps are taken to improve my teaching skills and techniques such as attending the teaching workshops and seminars, supervision of students, maximizes reading, innovations in teaching and writing papers on teaching improvement.

From the supervision of industrial training students, through the discussion and site visit I can update and get new experiences, knowledge and understand the current issues and problems related in civil engineering. All of this knowledge can be shared and used as examples in my class.

In order to improve and update my knowledge and skills in teaching I always attend the educational seminars and workshops at the university and national level such as technologies in teaching and learning courses, Generic Skills Workshop and Cooperative Learning Workshop. All of the courses help me a lot on improving my knowledge and teaching skills.

I also always improve and update my knowledge through reading from various resources such as the internet, electronic journal, computer magazines and papers. It will make me always updated with the latest innovations and technologies in my field.

I have adopted blended learning and active learning strategies in my traditional face-to-face teaching. I used these techniques to ensure that I can involve more students in the teaching and learning process. I make full use of UTM e-learning in my teaching. I manage my students to download my notes and submit their assignments through the e-learning. I put all of the course materials such as notes, assignments, projects and also past year’s exam papers there. I always encourage students to discuss on any topics related in civil engineering through e-learning.

Last but not the least, I always have discussion or sharing experiences with peer or senior lecturer to improve my teaching especially for new course.