I felt that there is a huge void in regard to the mainstream discussion on the 4th Industrial Revolution 4IR.

I my opinion, the utility of science in accelerating 4IR or i rather call it as ‘Science 4.0’ has been left. To concur with, what is not science?

At this stage, there were not much uplifting and inclusive discussion on the 4IR. Many of the ‘wannabe’ 4IR experts have considered digitization, automation, data-based outcomes and connectivity alike as the 4IR important items- which is true at the certain level.

To grasp the idea of many novelties, my advise is to always refer to the primary source. Hence, i now revert back to the original notion of the 4IR by the man himself, Klaus Schwab.

True to my believe, Klaus Schwab has never leave science domain in the discussion. Indeed, he has repeated the three connected 4IR thrusts-namely physical, digital and biological worlds for several times. Aptly, all are science-related!

Based on my reading, the book is well-exploring the digital aspect of 4IR. Perhaps, that is the reason of the continuous and stack of discussion on this specific theme.

Klaus Schwab is an engineer (and economist) by training, thus i believe he need more supply of information and time in navigating the other aspects or the science domain of 4IR.

As put forward by Klaus Schwab, the discussion on the impact of 4IR to government and governance is worth of a separated book. So do with science.

Here i am to explore the idea of Science 4.0 era.