Category Archives: Uncategorized

Citra Karisma 2019 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Majlis Anugerah Kecemerlangan dan Penghargaan UTM 2020
Citra Karisma Poster
Article: If coronavirus is airborne, we’ll have to fight it in all new ways
If coronavirus is airborne, we’ll have to fight it in all new ways https://flip.it/nWrcBC
Article: If You Want Respect, Make Sure to Follow These 3 Rules
If You Want Respect, Make Sure to Follow These 3 Rules https://flip.it/QJJmW9
Article: 3 Signs That Will Identify Someone With Good Leadership Skills in a Downturn
3 Signs That Will Identify Someone With Good Leadership Skills in a Downturn https://flip.it/HHMVNi
Article: What if water shortages destabilise China?
What if water shortages destabilise China? https://flip.it/NGujgY
Article: This is the right way to challenge someone’s thinking
This is the right way to challenge someone’s thinking https://flip.it/oxNbzn
Article: How the brain builds a sense of self from the people around us – new research
How the brain builds a sense of self from the people around us – new research https://flip.it/7lU1V_
Article: The No. 1 Way To Stop A Toxic Office Hater In His Tracks
The No. 1 Way To Stop A Toxic Office Hater In His Tracks https://flip.it/WM_.sj