نَسَق من سورة يس

{إِنْ كَانَتْ إِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَاحِدَةً فَإِذَا هُمْ خَامِدُونَ}{مَا يَنْظُرُونَ إِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَاحِدَةً تَأْخُذُهُمْ وَهُمْ يَخِصِّمُونَ}{إِنْ كَانَتْ إِلَّا صَيْحَةً وَاحِدَةً فَإِذَا هُمْ جَمِيعٌ لَدَيْنَا مُحْضَرُونَ}الأولى لإهلاك المكذّبين، والثانية لنهاية العالمين، والثالثة لبعثهم...

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سورة ق

سورة ق: موضوعها الرئيس القيامة، وهذا ينسجم مع بدئها بحرف {ق}، والقُرآن في الآية الأولى والأخيرة، وابتدأت بتعجّب الكافرين من البعث، وعرضت عليهم آيات من قدرة الله وذكّرتهم بالكافرين المكذّبين من قبلهم، فمشهد مطول من مشاهد القيامة. د أحمد...

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سورة نوح

سورة نوح: بدأت بتقرير إرسال نوح إلى قومه لإنذارهم، ثم لَخَّصَ دعوته لهم وجزاء الاستجابة وردّ فعلهم وأساليب نوح واستخدامه آيات الكون في دعوته، وعاد إلى ردّهم ومكرهم، ودعا عليهم، ودعا بالمغفرة للمؤمنين...

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tips and tricks for learning Arabic vocabulary

 Create a rinse and repeat system As we said above, there’s a huge difference between writing something down once and actually learning it (unless you have photographic memory, in which case we’re ridiculously jealous and you don’t need to read this!). We recommend looking at a new word and testing yourself at least five times to really make it stick in your...

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tips and tricks for learning Arabic vocabulary

Practice translating words from English into Arabic AND Arabic into English When you’re learning new words, you’ll likely find that you fall into a pattern of learning from one source language to another target language. For example, you might test yourself by looking at a word in English and writing its equivalent in Arabic, or vice versa. This is a great way to...

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tips and tricks for learning Arabic vocabulary

 Make it visual Research shows that 65% of people are visual learners. If you think you’re one of them, you’re probably going to struggle if your method for learning Arabic vocabulary is sitting at your desk with a long list of words and trying to magic them into your head. But there are so many other, more creative ways to learn new words. Use your...

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tips and tricks for learning Arabic vocabulary

… Don’t write down every single word you hear! When writing down new words in your vocabulary diary, don’t forget there’s a limit to how many words your mind can actually take in. There’s a difference between writing something down once and actually learning it. And if you have pages and pages of words because you’re written every single thing down, the odds of you...

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tips and tricks for learning Arabic

1. Keep a vocabulary diary Keep with you a nice new exercise book that you can use especially for noting down new Arabic words you hear and learn? Top tip: keep it small so you can carry it around in your pocket or your handbag and learn on the go. If you’re a particularly creative person or you’re into bullet journaling, you can have great fun with this. You could...

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Tuhanmu tidak akan melupakan kamu

Tuhanmu tidak akan melupakan kamu, Dia akan memberi kamu yang paling indah dari yang ghaib, kemudian memberi pampasan kepada kamu dengan apa yang sesuai dengan hatimu, jadi jangan sangka bahawa permohonan masa lalu dan masa kini telah sia-sia! Tidak, demi Tuhan, Tuhanmu tidak pelupa, Ya Tuhan, Pencipta mukjizat dan perkara-perkara yang mustahil, mohon hati pembaca...

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Tanah Suci dan kenangannya

Tanah Suci dan kenangannya, ritual Haji dan pengaruhnya terhadap jiwa, kekuatan masyarakat Islam dan inspirasinya dalam pemikiran dan tingkah laku; Semua ini meninggalkan kesan yang jelas di kedalaman umat Islam; Dia kembali dari perjalanannya dengan hati yang lebih suci, jalan yang lebih murni, tekad yang lebih kuat untuk melakukan kebaikan, dan lebih kukuh dalam...

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