Activities | Dr. Aqeel Khan



1. Title: Response to Reviewer’s Comment

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 8th February 2022

Venue: FSSH UTM Online mode. 

2. Title: Practical Review Assistant Workshop

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 25 April 2022

Venue: FSSH UTM Online mode. 

3. Title: Submission, Review and Publication in indexed Journal

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 3rd August 2022

Venue: OUM, KL. 

4. Title: How to Improve Citations & H Index

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 15 August 2022

Venue: FSSH UTM Online mode. 

5. Title: Ethical Issues in Publication

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 5th October, 2022

Venue: PGSS FSSH UTM Online mode. 


1. Title: Ethics & Ethical Issues in Publication

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 23rd September 2021

Venue: PGSS FSSH UTM Online mode. 


1. Title: Psychological mechanism of coping with high impact publications of University Academicians

Speaker: Associate Prof. Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 19th November 2020


2. Title: Motivation for High Impact Publications

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 6th August 2020

Venue: FSSH UTM Online Workshop. 

3. Title: Expert Lecture on Indexing

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 7th February 2020

Venue: SGT University , Haryana, India. 

4. Title: International Journal Publication 

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 30th January 2020

Venue: M.M.E.S , Women College, India. 

5. Title: Writing  Workshop Publication and Indexing

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 25 February 2020

Venue: UTM Johor

6. Title: Q1 & Q2 Journal Writing workshop 

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 8th April 2020

Venue: UTM KL

7. Title: How to Improve Scopus Citations & H-Index

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 10th May 2020

Venue: Faculty of Social Science & Humanities, UTM 

8. Title: 24th World Congress of International Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP 2020)

Date:  20 – 23 July 2020.

Venue: Singapore expo convention and exhibition centre


1. Title: Indexed Journal Writing workshop 

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 13 September 2019 

Venue: Shafie Room , UTM KL

2. Title: 7th IACAPAP One week Sponsored Helmut Remschmidt Research Seminars (HRRS 2019)

Date: 25-30 August, 2019

Venue: Institute of Mental Health (IMH), Singapore

3. Title: Familiarising Types of Publication and Indexing

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 28 March 2019 (Thursday)

Venue: Seminar Room (C15 Level 2), School of Education

4. Challenges and How to Cope With Journal Rejection Workshop

Speaker: Dr. Aqeel Khan

Date: 26 February 2019 

Venue: N24 , UTM 

Organised by UTM International

5. Invited Workshop Speaker


Venue: Le Grabduer Resort, Johor

Organised by post graduate students of Faculty of Social sciences & humanities, UTM

6. Invited Keynote Speaker

Date: 14-15 December, 2019 

Fourth International Conference on Multidisciplinary Contemporary Research

Venue: Sapphire Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia

Organised by Headway Global Research Consultancy Singapore