A supervisor of a postgrad student will do the following tasks (What a postgrad student can ask her/his supervisor):
- Propose your research idea and discuss with your supervisor. Your supervisor will provide his/her professional suggestions either the research idea worth to do/ can be done within the research time frame/ agree with your idea and allowing you to proceed with it OR you need to read more papers to find out more evidences of the validity of the idea and ensure it is novel.
- After done your proposal, discuss with your supervisor. She/he will check for you, modify it to be more feasible/ suggest potential existing solutions as guide to consummate your proposal to proceed with the next step.
- When you are facing any difficulties when conducting your research, you can ask your supervisor and discuss for the solution.
- If you feel that the data collected is dubious after analyzed such as the results not as expected, find out the reason -Why and discuss with your supervisor either additional steps/ more data to be collected or more evidence should be found to convincing the existing results.
- Submit your thesis draft for your supervisor to check and she/he should comments on the essential modification for you to do the corrections.
- For research paper submission, find out the particular list of journals that you interested with and discuss with your supervisor to decide the final journal submission. Do the paper writing, proofread and submission by your own. Ensure that your supervisor agree with your decision for the journal submission.
- If you receive the comments from the reviewers about your paper, do the corrections line-by-line, discuss with your supervisor after you done the corrections before submit to the journal’s editors. Don’t be afraid to submit high impact journals and don’t disappointed when your paper being rejected. Be positive and keep writing, improve your paper quality until acceptance.
Enjoy doing your research!