Research Tips (Problem Statement)

As the most important part in Chapter 1 of your thesis, do you know how to write a good problem statement? Here some tips to address your research problem statement professionally (Credit to Dr. Thava, ProofreadingByPhD). A problem statement should:

  1. Introduce why we need to talk about the Problem, to help readers understand.
  2. Breakdown all existing solutions chronologically, to allow readers to understand of the past.
  3. Appropriate critical review for existing solutions, to allow readers to digest of the Problems within Older Solutions.
  4. Introduce your solution by using the critical reviews as the platform, to allow readers RATIONALIZE YOUR THESIS!
  5. Connect your solution to the RO, to allow readers to understand how you gona do it.

p/s: Length of Problem Statement around 1 to 2 pages.

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