IEEE stands for The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the massive technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE publishing makes the exchange of technical knowledge possible with the highest quality and the greatest impact. IEEE have the database for all the publications of journals and conferences conducted under IEEE. However, Papers published under IEEE journals are majority with high qualities and impacts compare with IEEE proceedings. That is because IEEE proceedings usually are collections of papers from conferences conducted by difference colleges/universities/academic institutions around the world and published through IEEE which means that IEEE only handle the post-publication process but not involve in the paper reviewing or appraisal team and not involve as conference committee.

ACM stands for Association for Computing Machinery is another educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM Digital Library includes all of the ACM journal papers and proceedings while ACM has been clarified as the most prestigious computing society.

Both IEEE and ACM are well-known and been clarified that majority of the IEEE and ACM journals are highly impact and produce many high quality academic papers in engineering and computing field.

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