Choosing the right journal for publication may be a painful process. How to choose a correct journal? Here some tips:
- Understand the strength of your paper. Determine the list of papers that you cited in your paper. Consider to publish your paper in journal that published the most influential paper referred in your text. If you feel your paper is weaker, then go for lower tier or try to improve the content. For example, if the paper that you referred the most was published in journal with IF 1 and you feel that your paper is weaker than that paper then you should try Scopus indexed journal.
- You can using the keywords of your paper to search for the suitable journals through the journal finder under Elsevier, Taylor WoS and so on.
- Another way is find the journals through your reference list. Search the journal and analyze it. Check either the journal is calling for a special issue or the scope is suitable or been changed.
- Before submitting to a particular journal, you can also email the journal editors to ask for details such as providing the title of your paper and ask either your paper is suitable for submission.
- Do the proofreading before submission.