-No Compelling Reason. Lack compelling reason for the research. Many students lack a compelling reason for the investigation of the problem.
-Lack of Persuasion. Not persuasive enough for identify problem as a basis for the study. They can’t sell the problem as a basis for the study.
-Clarify. Lack of clarify about the problem. Because of the lack of clarify this pervades the dissertation. Thus, failure to identify gaps in the prior research as a basis for the investigation.
-Topic of Choice. Poor topic choice for researching a problem is a problem. for example, you do not want to pick a topic such as problem on “Basket Weaving” if there is no basis for the problem nd investigation.
-Problem Nexus. There is a nexus issue with the problem under investigation and the research. Many doctoral students do not make the connection between the problem and the basis for the study. hus a poor problem statement is written.
-Failure to Develop a Clear Problem Statement. This is the blame for us in the academic community. There is always a clear purpose statement but there is never a clear problem statement.