1st Year PhD:
Q1: PhD Topic should be decided and 10 pages proposal should be done
Q2: 10 pages proposal reviewed and confirmed by supervisors and move to next step which is doing your chapter 1 to 3 proposal (usually around 80 pages), do consequently and submit to supervisors to review chapter by chapter. Seek help if having problems.
Q3: Continue completing full proposal
Q4: Prepare for proposal defense and start to write review paper (focusing for chapter 2)
2nd Year PhD:
Q1: Go for proposal defense (practice well with Mock Defense) and do the corrections if needed. Start to submit review paper.
Q2: Proposal corrections all done and confirmed. Work on preparing lab for Science and Engineering such as algorithm.
Q3: Start pilot test/ model training for engineering and start to write conceptual paper.
Q4: Start to accumulate results from lab, done preparation for benchmarking. Submit conceptual paper to journal.
3rd Year PhD:
Q1: Full data collection/ done benchmarking process/evaluation process/comparison process. Data analysis, redo data collection/evaluation if needed. Start analysis.
Q2: Complete chapter 4 and 5. Request your supervisors to review immediate. Write technical paper with result and submit to high impact journal (WoS Q1 or Q2). Proofread thesis.
Q3: Full draft of thesis should be done by you and finalized by supervisors. Prepare submission to Viva (Ensure practice well with Mock Viva session).
Q4: Attend Viva, do the corrections and submit final thesis. Done!