Qualitative vs Quantitative vs Mixed Methods

Degree of predetermined nature:

Quantitative – Predetermined; Mixed – Both predetermined and emerging methods; Qualitative – Emerging methods


Quantitative – Instrument based; Mixed – Both open- and closed-ended; Qualitative – Open-ended

Data types:

Quantitative – Performance, attitude, observation and census; Mixed – Multiple forms of data drawing on all possibilities; Qualitative – Interview, observation, document, and audiovisual


Quantitative – Statistical analysis, Mixed – Statistical and text analysis; Qualitative – Text and image analysis


Quantitative – Statistical interpretation; Mixed – Across databases interpretation; Qualitative – Themes, patterns interpretation

May employ these strategies of inquiry:

Quantitative – Surveys, experiments; Mixed – Sequential, convergent, and embedded; Qualitative – Phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, case studies, narrative

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