“Syukran Habibi” is a collection of street mobile-photography that offers a glimpse into the vibrant tapestry of faith, culture, and humanity that converges in the holy city of Mecca. The book contains reflections on the overwhelming experience of the pilgrimage of 1445H. Riki Maulana writes, sketches, and photographs out of his restlessness. He also produced books under independent banners. “Syukran Habibi,” is his love letter to Mecca.
UTM ANJURKAN WEBINAR ANTARABANGSA BAHASA MELAYU Johor Bahru: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) akan menganjurkan Webinar Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu 2021 pada 14 hingga 15 November 2021 dengan tema ‘Memartabatkan citra dan kedaulatan Bahasa … [Continue reading]
3 Kebaikan Berbasikal Gravel / MTB
1. Pengayuh basikal akan meneroka kejiranannya. Dia tahu lorong-lorong sekitar rumah. Dia mengelak jadi orang terbang ke luar negeri meneroka negara asing tapi kejiranan sendiri. 2. Pengayuh akan membakar lemak melalui kayuhan tanpa sedar. Dia … [Continue reading]
How To Play Educational Games
https://www.youtube.com/embed/hWEkIUvlzIU … [Continue reading]
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy of education is that all students have unique aspirations and I will give grades as deserved but they are seeking more than just grades. Students want to grow physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. It is my desire to create … [Continue reading]
6 Types of Goals
1. Short-term goals Short-term goals (especially ones that are realistic and attainable) have the benefit of providing nearly instant gratification, unlike goals spread over a year or a few months. These small milestones can actually set the stage … [Continue reading]
PAUS GAGAL oleh Tok Rimau
Paus Gagal (2012) merupakan ujikaji zine di mana keseluruhan draf kandungannya berbentuk certot (Cerita kontot) yang dihasilkan melalui kicauan di Twitter. 166 cerita. 48 laman. Follow @tokrimau di Twitter Paus Gagal oleh Tok Rimau … [Continue reading]