In a recent meeting, my friends and I have been talking about producing short videos to disseminate our research and as teaching resources. Most of us are newbies. Although I am involved in creating digital content, videos are something that need more polishing. I started my youtube channel in 2021,but a very slow progress until now.
When Sanaz came to the office today, I immediately asked her if she wanted to shoot a video to talk about her research. She was a bit hesistant at first. But after some assurance from me, good scripts and discussion, she finally agreed to go on the screen. It took me many attempts to get the video right.
Speaking in front of a camera is not easy , even if there’s a script! You need to practise, practise and practise. Kudos for Sanaz for not giving up! She nailed it even it just a short time for rehearsel.
The final video is still in editing. But I want to share with you some behind the scenes (mostly bloopers) during the recording. Enjoy!