

Video Shooting with Sanaz

In a recent meeting, my friends and I have been talking about producing short videos to disseminate our research and as teaching resources. Most of us are newbies. Although I am involved in creating digital content, videos are something that need more polishing. I...


To date, I have secured 4 projects as the Principle Investigator. The first project was awarded by UTM under the Potential Academic Staff (PAS). The second research grant was awarded by the Centre for Community Industry Network (CCIN) UTM, where the project involved...

What is ANGEL?

I had a digital marketing class with ODL students. One of things that we discussed today was on how to improve digital presence for research consortium. I introduced to them ANGEL- one of the Erasmus grant which I am part of.  ANGEL is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building...

The Extended Episodic Experience on Social Media

I completed my Phd in 2010. I did a study on UX in online photo sharing. The study started in 2004, where at that time web 2.0 has just started. People began to share their personal memories online; viewed and talked by both loved ones and strangers. This is an...