1. SanazJalali,HaliyanaKhalid(2021)TheInfluenceofInstagramInfluencers’ Activity on Green Consumption Behaviour. Business Management and Strategy, Volume 12 (1), January 2021, Macrothink. ERA INDEX
1. ParisaMaroufkhani,Ming-LangTseng,MohammadIranmaneshe,Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail Haliyana Khalid (2020) Big data analytics adoption: Determinants and performances among small to medium-sized enterprises. International Journal of Information Management. Volume 54, October 2020, Elsevier (ISI, SCOPUS Index, Q1)
2. HiraFarihaAnjum,SitiZalehaAbdRasid,HaliyanaKhalid,MdMoshiulAlam, Salwani Mohd Daud, Hafiza Abas, Suriani Mohd Sam, Mohd Fathi Yusof (2020) Mapping Research Trends of Blockchain Technology in Healthcare. IEEE Access, Vol 8. (ISI, SCOPUS Index, Q1)
1. Zulfadzli Drus, Haliyana Khalid (2019) Sentiment Analysis in Social Media and Its Application: Systematic Literature Review. Procedia Computer Science 161 , 707-714, Elsevier [Download]
2.Nawar Makttoof, Haliyana Khalid, Ibrahim Abdullah (2019) Investigation on the Key Factors Influencing Mobile Banking Adoption in Iraq. 7(1), 23-34,Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI) [Download]
3.Sanaz Saghati Jalali, Haliyana Khalid (2019) Understanding Instagram Influencers Values in Green Consumption Behaviour: A Review Paper. 7 (1), 47-58,Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI) [Download]
4.Norhayati Sarmoen, Haliyana Khalid, Siti Zaleha Abd Rasid, Shathees AL Baskaran, Rohaida Basiruddin (2019)Understanding Human Behaviour in Information Security Policy Compliance in a Malaysian Local Authority Organization. 10 (2), 64-81.Business Management and Strategy [Download]
5.Devika Nadarajah, Sharifah Latifah Syed Abdul Kadir, Haliyana Khalid (2019). Understanding How IT Capability Impacts Sustainable Competitive Advantage through Business Process Management. 10 (2), 250-264. Business Management and Strategy. [Download]
6.Rohaida Basiruddin, Nor Aiza Mohd Zamil, Haliyana Khalid, Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, Shathees A/L Baskaran (2019).You Only Live Once: A CSR Initiative by Azman Hashim IBS Students.147-153. Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility in Asia. [Download]
7.Issa Alghatrifi, Haliyana Khalid (2019).Factors Affecting Emerging Technology Adoption in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study. 7 (1) , 147-157 Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI). [Download]
8.Abdul Halim Johar, Haliyana Khalid (2019). Big Data Analytics Adoption and Implementation in Public Transportation: The Gap in Practise. 7 (1) , 1-11 Open International Journal of Informatics (OIJI). [Download]
9.Hafizah Zainol Abidin, Siti Zaleha Abdul Rasid, Haliyana Khalid, Rohaida Basiruddin, Shathees Baskaran (2019).Effectiveness of Enterprise Risk Management Practices: A Case Study. 10 (2), Business Management and Strategy. [Download]
10.Muhammad Irfan Afzal Rana Mohsin Ali, Anuar Shah Bali Mahomed, Raja Nerina Raja Yousaf, Haliyana Khalid (2019).Hey there! I am Using WhatsApp: A Study on the Levels and Patterns of WhatsApp’s Official Usage among Malaysian University Academicians. 9(12) International Journal of Asian Social Science. [Download]
11. Nawar Makttof, Haliyana Khalid (2019 Mobile Banking Adoption Factors in Iraqi Banks: An Extended TOE Framework. 24 (14) 917-925. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. [Download]
1. Makttoof, N., Khalid, H. (2018) A review of mobile banking adoption factors by customers for Iraqi banks. International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)7(3.20 Special Issue 20), pp. 629-637 (Scopus Index)
2. Baskaran, S., Basiruddin, R., Rasid, S. Z. A., Khalid, H., & Hong, T. S. (2018). Resource and Time Availability: An Imperious Stimulus for Entrepreneurial Orientation? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(2), 244–261. (ERA Index)
1. Nadarajan, G., Khalid, H.,Bojei, J. (2017) The study on negative eWOM and its relationship to consumer’s intention to switch Mobile Service Provider . Procedia Computer Science (Scopus Index)
2. Mun, Y.P., Khalid, H., Nadarajah, D. (2017) Millennials’ Perception on Mobile Payment Services in Malaysia. Procedia Computer Science (Scopus Index)
3. S. Gunaseran, H. Khalid (2017) How envy drives consumerism on Instagram. In the Proceedings of the The 21st Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2017)
1. Thangadurai, H.Khalid (2016) Pelangi Malaysia Database Consolidation Project Management, Asian Journal Case Research (AJCR)
2. Azdel, A.A., Khalid, H., Radzi, S.M., Yusof, R.N.R.(2016) Embedding psychographic traits into UTAUT2: A conceptual paper on online travel agency (OTA) users. Heritage, Culture and Society: Research agenda and best practices in the hospitality and tourism industry – Proceedings of the 3rd International Hospitality and Tourism Conference, IHTC 2016 and 2nd International Seminar on Tourism, ISOT 2016 pp. 489-49
3. Seng, N.M.B., Khalid, H. (2016) Factors affecting continual usage of m-commerce among the airline travellers. In the Proceedings – 2016 4th International Conference on User Science and Engineering, i-USEr 2016 (Scopus Index)
4. AS Ismail, H.Khalid (2015) ‘Fishing’ for content in social media: A qualitative approach. Procedia of Computer Science, 72, 406-413 (Scopus Index)
1. J.Hasanov, H. Khalid (2015) The Impact of Website Quality on Online Purchase Intention of Organic Food in Malaysia: A WebQual Model Approach. Procedia of Computer Science, 72, 382-389 (Scopus Index)
2. AS Ismail, H.Khalid (2015) Leveraging Social Media for Fishing Industry: An Exploratory Study, In the HCI and Business, Vol 9191, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 106-117, Springer, London. (Scopus Index)
3. SMS Mustafah, H.Khalid, AS Ismail (2015) Emotional Selling on Social Media: The ‘Punctum’ of Personality and Photographs, Vol 529, Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp 97- 102, Springer, London (Scopus Index)
1. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2014) Extended Episodic Experience in Social Mediating Technology: Our Legacy, In the Social Computing and Social Media, page 452-461, Springer, London. (ISI/ Scopus Index)
2. AM Ibrahim, H Khalid (2014) Single case research method to understand user experience in online stock broking. In the 3rd International Conference on User Science and Engineering (i-USEr), 2014. IEEE Digital Library (Scopus Index)
2012- 2004
1. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2012). De-photologging and the diaspora’s memory. In the 21st Asean Media Information and Communication (AMIC) Annual Conference, 11-14 July 2012, Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
2. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2010). Learning from the appropriation of photologs. In the Proceedings of International Conference User Science and Engineering 2010, 13-15 December 2010. IEEE-Explore Digital Library
3. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2010). The experience of photologging: global mechanisms and local interactions. Journal of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 3 (4), 209-226. Springer, London. (ISI Indexed)
4. Khalid, H and Dix A (2009). How Photologs influence local social interaction. In the Proceedings of Social Mediating Technologies Workshop, in CHI 09, Boston, USA, 4th-9th April 2009
5. Khalid, H and Dix A (2008). When heat meets Warhol! Paper presented in the Photo Technologies Workshop, Lancaster University, 25th April 2008
6. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2007). Designing for photolurking. In Volume 2 Proceedings of the 21st BCS HCI Group Conference HCI 2007, Lancaster University, 3-7 September 2007. (ACM Digital Library) (Scopus Index)
7. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2007). I know what you did last summer: What can we learn from photolog? Web 2.0/CSCW Workshop at the 10th ECSCW Conference. Limerick, Ireland, 24-28 September 2007.
8. Khalid, H and Dix, A (2006). Selective indulgence in photolurking: exploratory studies. In Volume 2 Proceedings of the 20th BCS HCI Group Conference British HCI 2006, Queen Mary, University of London, 11-15 September 2006.
9. Khalid, H (2005). Studying user experience in photo sharing. In the Volume 2 Proceedings of the 19th BCS HCI Group Conference British HCI 2005, Napier University, Edinburgh, 5-9 September 2005.
10. Khalid, H SMS Text Messaging in the Malaysian General Election. In the Interface magazine, Volume 60, British HCI Group, Autumn 2004.