10 Upcoming Technology That May Change The World

1. Google Glass

Augmented Reality has already gotten into our life in the forms of simulated experiment and education app, but Google is taking it several steps higher with Google Glass. Theoretically, with Google Glass, you are able to view social media feeds, text, Google Maps, as well as navigate with GPS and take photos. You will also get the latest updates while you are on the ground.

google glass

It’s truly what we called vision, and it’s absolutely possible given the fact that the Google’s co-founder, Sergey Brin has demo’ed the glass with skydivers and creatives. Currently the device is only available to some developers with the price tag of $1500, but expect other tech companies trying it out and building an affordable consumer version.

2. Form 1

Just as the term suggests, 3D printing is the technology that could forge your digital design into a solid real-life product. It’s nothing new for the advanced mechanical industry, but a personal 3D printer is definitely a revolutionary idea.

Everybody can create their own physical product based on their custom design, and no approval needed from any giant manufacturer! Even the James Bond’s Aston Martin which was crashed in the movie was a 3D printed product!

form 1

Form 1 is one such personal 3D printer which can be yours at just $2799. It may sound like a high price but to have the luxury of getting producing your own prototypes, that’s a reaonable price.

Imagine a future where every individual professional has the capability to mass produce their own creative physical products without limitation. This is the future where personal productivity and creativity are maximized.

3. Oculus Rift

Virtual Reality gaming is here in the form of Oculus Rift. This history-defining 3D headset lets you mentally feel that you are actually inside a video game. In the Rift’s virtual world, you could turn your head around with ultra-low latency to view the world in high resolution display.

There are premium products in the market that can do the same, but Rift wants you to enjoy the experience at only $300, and the package even comes as a development kit. This is the beginning of the revolution for next-generation gaming.

oculus rift

The timing is perfect as the world is currently bombarded with the virtual reality topic that could also be attributed to Sword Art Online, the anime series featuring the characters playing games in an entirely virtual world. While we’re getting there, it could take a few more years to reach that level of realism. Oculus Rift is our first step.

4. Leap Motion

Multi-touch desktop is a (miserably) failed product due to the fact that hands could get very tired with prolonged use, but Leap Motion wants to challenge this dark area again with a more advanced idea. It lets you control the desktop with fingers, but without touching the screen.

leap motion

It’s not your typical motion sensor, as Leap Motion allows you to scroll the web page, zoom in the map and photos, sign documentss and even play a first person shooter game with only hand and finger movements. The smooth reaction is the most crucial key point here. More importantly, you can own this future with just $70, a price of a premium PS3 game title!

If this device could completely work with Oculus Rift to simulate a real-time gaming experience, gaming is going to get a major make-over.

5. Eye Tribe

Eye tracking has been actively discussed by technology enthusiasts throughout these years, but it’s really challenging to implement. But Eye Tribe actually did this. They successfully created the technology to allow you to control your tablet, play flight simulator, and even slice fruits in Fruit Ninja only with your eye movements.

eye tribe

It’s basically taking the common eye-tracking technology and combining it with a front-facing camera plus some serious computer-vision algorithm, and voila, fruit slicing done with the eyes! A live demo was done in LeWeb this year and we may actually be able to see it in in action in mobile devices in 2013.

Currently the company is still seeking partnership to bring this sci-fi tech into the consumer market but you and I know that this product is simply too awesome to fail.

6. SmartThings

The current problem that most devices have is that they function as a standalone being, and it require effort for tech competitors to actually partner with each other and build products that can truly connect with each other. SmartThings is here to make your every device, digital or non-digital, connect together and benefit you.


With SmartThings you can get your smoke alarms, humidity, pressure and vibration sensors to detect changes in your house and alert you through your smartphone! Imagine the possibilities with this.

You could track who’s been inside your house, turn on the lights while you’re entering a room, shut windows and doors when you leave the house, all with the help of something that only costs $500! Feel like a tech lord in your castle with this marvel.

7. Firefox OS

iOS and Android are great, but they each have their own rules and policies that certainly inhibit the creative efforts of developers. Mozilla has since decided to build a new mobile operating system from scratch, one that will focus on true openness, freedom and user choice. It’s Firefox OS.

Firefox OS is built on Gonk, Gecko and Gaia software layers – for the rest of us, it means it is built on open source, and it carries web technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.

firefox os

Developers can create and debut web apps without the blockade of requirements set by app stores, and users could even customize the OS based on their needs. Currently the OS has made its debut on Android-compatible phones, and the impression so far, is great.

You can use the OS to do essential tasks you do on iOS or Android: calling friends, browsing web, taking photos, playing games, they are all possible on Firefox OS, set to rock the smartphone market.

8. Project Fiona

Meet the first generation of the gaming tablet. Razer’s Project Fiona is a serious gaming tablet built for hardcore gaming. Once it’s out, it will be the frontier for the future tablets, as tech companies might want to build their own tablets, dedicated towards gaming, but for now Fiona is the only possible one that will debut in 2013.

project fiona

This beast features next generation Intel® Core i7 processor geared to render all your favorite PC games, all at the palm of your hands. Crowned as the best gaming accessories manufacturer, Razer clearly knows how to build user experience straight into the tablet, and that means 3-axis gyro, magnetometer, accelerometer and full-screen user interface supporting multi-touch. My body and soul are ready.

9. Parallella

Parallella is going to change the way that computers are made, and Adapteva offers you chance to join in on this revolution. Simply put, it’s a supercomputer for everyone. Basically, an energy-efficient computer built for processing complex software simultaneously and effectively. Real-time object tracking, holographic heads-up display, speech recognition will become even stronger and smarter with Parallella.


The project has been successfully funded so far, with an estimated delivery date of February 2013. For a mini supercomputer, the price seems really promising since it’s magically $99! It’s not recommended for the non-programmer and non-Linux user, but the kit is loaded with development software to create your personal projects.

I never thought the future of computing could be kick-started with just $99, which is made possible using crowdfunding platforms.

10. Google Driverless Car

I could still remember the day I watch the iRobot as a teen, and being skeptical about my brother’s statement that one day, the driverless car will become reality. And it’s now a reality, made possible by… a search engine company, Google.

While the data source is still a secret recipe, the Google driverless car is powered by artificial intelligence that utilizes the input from the video cameras inside the car, a sensor on the vehicle’s top, and some radar and position sensors attached to different positions of the car. Sounds like a lot of effort to mimic the human intelligence in a car, but so far the system has successfully driven 1609 kilometres without human commands!

google driverless car

“You can count on one hand the number of years it will take before ordinary people can experience this.” Google co-founder, Sergey Brin said. However, innovation is an achievement, consumerization is the headache, as Google currently face the challenge to forge the system into an affordable gem that every worker with an average salary could benefit from.

Teknologi Terkini

Tahun 2018 membuka tirainya dengan pelbagai pembangunan teknologi yang dijangka lebih hangat.

Beberapa inovasi baru yang dijangka merubah gaya hidup manusia pasti menjadi cerita utama dalam arus teknologi masa kini.

Setiap tahun pasti berlaku perubahan teknologi dan negara kita tidak pernah terkecuali menerima tempiasnya.

Antara yang bakal mencuri tumpuan ialah bitcoin yang mula popular berbanding kaedah konvensional dalam institusi kewangan.

Bitcoin kini menjadi kaedah pembelian ‘online’ yang sedang berkembang dan ia boleh digunakan untuk membeli pelbagai produk di kaunter secara fizikal.

Ia mula diperkenalkan pada 2008 oleh individu Satoshi Nakamoto sebagai ia sistem pembayaran berbentuk ‘peer-to-peer’ dalam mata wang maya melalui perisian sumber terbuka.

Bitcoin dikawal komoditi berasaskan kriptografi yang mengawal mata wang terbabit.

Perbendaharaan Amerika Syarikat sendiri mengkategorikan bitcoin sebagai ‘decentralized currency’.

Namun, amaran mengenai pelaburan wang maya dalam Internet sebagai simpanan yang boleh dihapuskan jika transaksi digodam atau menghadapi masalah kewangan.

Bitcoin mencetuskan kontroversi dalam sistem kewangan sehinggakan Bank Negara sendiri menasihatkan orang ramai berhati-hati dengan risiko yang terpaksa ditanggung jika menggunakan mata wang digital atau maya.

Apabila penggunaan mata wang maya ini semakin popular, ia sekali gus melonjakkan nilai bitcoin itu sendiri sehingga terdapat mesin khas bagi transaksi kewangan.

Ia menawarkan sistem pembayaran tanpa nama yang sebahagian besarnya tiada struktur berpusat dan transaksi secara terbuka dalam apa dikenali sebagai ‘blockchain’ dengan mereka yang mengekalkannya dibayar dalam unit baru, proses dikenali sebagai ‘mining’ (melombong).

Blockchain adalah teknologi yang menggabungkan pangkalan data dan kriptografi untuk bertindak sebagai platform pemindahan pelbagai urusan dengan pantas, selamat dan menjimatkan kos.

Teknologi blockchain dicanangkan sebagai alternatif yang lebih ekonomikal dalam pemindahan nilai wang kerana ia tidak memerlukan pihak ketiga sebagai perantara di samping menghapuskan kos tinggi proses penyelarasan semula.

TRANSAKSI Bitcoin kian popular.

Pelbagai objek bernilai boleh ditransaksikan menggunakan platform ini seperti wang, hasil seni dan kontrak. Namun sehingga kini, hanya mata wang kripto paling kerap menggunakan teknologi terbabit.

Mata wang kripto adalah mata wang digital yang boleh diurus niaga, disimpan dan ditukarkan seperti mata wang biasa (mata wang fiat) lain.

Malah, pengguna akan mendapat pelbagai kelebihan apabila melaksanakan urusan berkaitan melalui penggunaan blockchain.

Kemudian, kita akan menerima secara meluas teknologi arahan suara terutama apabila Apple memperkenalkan produknya di negara iaitu HomePod, menjadi gajet terbaru dalam senarai aksesori produk Apple yang beroperasi tanpa wayar untuk kualiti audio menarik disokong mikrofon berguna bagi berhubung dengan Siri.

Pembesar suara bersaiz tujuh inci itu membolehkan akses kepada Apple Music sekali gus pengguna berupaya mendengar 40 juta lagu tersenarai.

HomePod juga bertindak sebagai penerima arahan untuk menghantar mesej, mendapatkan berita terkini dan mengawal peranti pintar lain di rumah.

Bagi penulis, ia hanya permulaan kala Internet untuk segalanya (IoT) kini sudah matang bagi dieksploitasi sepenuhnya.

Bahang IoT membolehkan erti kata sebenar kepada ‘sambungan tanpa wayar’.


Setakat ini, belum lagi boleh berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Malaysia tapi penulis pasti ia akan diperoleh kurang dari setahun.

Potensi arahan suara terbabit jelas timbul apabila bertambahnya aplikasi telefon pintar yang boleh berinteraksi dengan perkakasan lain.

Pengeluar produk elektronik perlu membangunkan ciri baru yang menepati skil Alexa bermakna kecerdasan pintar atau ‘artificial inteligence’ tidak terhad berasaskan apa yang sudah dibangunkan Amazon.

Dengan sedikit program pengaturcaraan yang ringkas, HomePod juga mampu mengunci pintu rumah tanpa anda menyentuh selak kunci atau memaklumkan kepada anda apabila basuhan pakaian dalam mesin basuh tamat tempoh.

Meskipun sejarah Google cemerlang dengan penyelidikan arahan suara, ia baru saja mempromosikan Google Assistant kepada pihak ketiga bermakna Amazon mempunyai kelebihan di pasaran.

Tidak lengkap 2018 tanpa kita bercakap soal sektor luasan sebenar atau ‘augmented reality’ (AR) dan tiga dimensi (3D) perlu diberi tumpuan generasi masa depan memandangkan ia mampu menarik minat pelajar dalam bidang sains serta teknologi berdasarkan visual sebenar.

Berdasarkan faktor terbabit, peluasan kandungan melalui AR dan 3D memberi kesan mendalam kepada individu sekali gus merubah kaedah.

Lihat saja pada Pokemon Go dan pengenalan emoji berasaskan AR yang dikeluarkan Apple melalui iPhone X.

TEKNOLOGI merubah manusia.

Jika pengguna ingin melihat kehidupan dinosaur yang sudah pupus, dua teknik terbabit mampu memberi gambaran secara realiti dengan menawarkan pergerakan haiwan tertentu serta organ dalamannya.

Teknik itu juga mampu mengembalikan sejarah dengan membangunkan semula model seperti bangunan lama yang sudah dirobohkan.

Sementara itu, Internet untuk segalanya (IoT) dan peranti yang bersambung akan membentangkan cabaran baru untuk rangkaian mudah alih apabila kelajuan pemindahan data tidak akan menjadi satu-satunya kriteria.

Keupayaan prasarana komunikasi tanpa wayar untuk menyokong jumlah ini yang dijangka mencecah sehingga 50 bilion peranti menjelang 2020.

Anda boleh lihat pada bandar pintar, sistem kejuruteraan sosial dan banyak lagi membabitkan penggunaan Internet serta gajet dalam kehidupan seharian.

Kini, pengguna boleh mengawal mesin basuh, periuk nasi, suhu makanan dan banyak lagi hanya menggunakan telefon apabila peranti terbabit dihubungkan dengan Internet.

Kemudian, ia akan merubah konsep pengangkutan apabila kenderaan juga boleh dikawal.

Seterusnya, anda boleh bayangkan evolusi rangkaian generasi kelima (5G) tidak lama lagi dan lebih menarik, kemajuan pesat teknologi telekomunikasi turut terkena kesannya kepada bidang lain seperti multimedia, penyiaran, komunikasi dan maklumat.

INTERNET lebih meluas penggunaannya.

Pada asasnya, Malaysia melakukan banyak perubahan dan reformasi dalam sektor telekomunikasi dengan pembabitan sektor swasta yang menyokong pembentukan serta pembangunan prasarana telekomunikasi negara.

Jurang digital wujud disebabkan ada sesetengah golongan di negara ini tidak mempunyai akses kepada dunia telekomunikasi.

Ukuran jurang digital tidak cukup dengan hanya mencatatkan pemilikan telefon pintar dan kadar penembusan perkhidmatan jalur lebar.

Ia sebaliknya perlu diperluaskan kepada kadar celik gajet dan kesan ekonomi yang perlu diberi perhatian memberi impak bukan saja kepada diri sendiri, mudah menambah pendapatan negara.

Dengan pelbagai galakan dan dorongan, tidak mustahil ini 2018 menjadi pemangkin kepada ramai usahawan berteknologi tinggi yang datangnya bukan sekadar dari bandar namun mungkin dari ceruk yang lokasinya tiada dalam Google Maps.

Malah, penulis menjangkakan pertumbuhan Internet akan membuka mata syarikat telekomunikasi untuk terus menurunkan harga data bagi menarik minat pelanggan.

Apatah lagi dengan bertambahnya syarikat telekomunikasi, ia tidak mustahil dilaksanakan.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada : Khamis, 4 January 2018 @ 2:57 PM
Rujukan : https://www.hmetro.com.my/itmetro/2018/01/299894/teknologi-baru-2018