Academic Advisors (also known as Penasihat Akademik (PA) in Malay) in UTM are lecturers within the faculty appointed to guide students throughout their academic durationin UTM. Although the job scope entails guiding students in their academic future and choices, most often they also guide and help on personal matters as that can affect the academic advancement.

[su_pullquote]Students should know and meet their PA often at different times to have a discussion, and to plan their academic and career path.[/su_pullquote]



Why do need to meet your PA?

# Ask on advice of courses to take, and the collection of credits taken every semester.

# Advice on courses you are struggling with

#Advice on social interactions in classes (with the teacher, with other students)

#Advice on problems faced in studies or those affecting your studies

#Advice on furthering your studies

# Advice on Final Year Projects and Industrial Training

# Advice on Financial Aid and other possible aid available for students from the different unit and agencies within the UTM.

In short, you need your PA – for most things.

A few reminders though, dear students:

#Do not wait until it is too late before bringing in a problem to your PA. Please remember, your PA is not Houdini and cannot make things just disappear. 

#Your PA are also lecturers, so they have other things to do than be at your beck and call. Academic Advisor does not translate to Personal Assistant.

#Time is a valuable thing, so respect another’s ‘time’.

Keep Calm. Call your PA.
