Our PSM (a.k.a. Final Year Project) has gone through many changes from its inception way back. As time went on, with the many changes in technology, different issues and even enhancement were found and used, respectively.

Most recently, PSM2 students were required to submit a Poster and a short paper of their work, and an Intelectual Property (IP) copyright forms upon thesis submission.

This round finds a new procedure added to the PSM2 of the SCSR students: Presentation and demo video submission.



This video has two parts, presentation and demo. Presentation will be your actual rehearsed presentation of your project. This means that it will look exactly (or somewhat very very close) to your final project presentation. You will record you presenting your project and not just submitting your presentation slides.

The demo video will show your developed system or your experiments in detail and in full. Imagine your examiners are not there to assess you, so you need to show them everything regarding your project. If you miss something, you may get penalized for it. So be very thorough.

All videos must be submitted on the day of presentation. Failure to do so may results in your marks withheld.

The rationale behind the new procedure.

Previously 2 big issues were faced by the PSM committee (and the staffs and students too). Firstly, an imbalance in evaluation marks between supervisor and evaluators. Sometimes it skews to the left, sometimes to the right. We need to get to the bottom of this. One way to do so is to revisit the project again. The video can be a useful resource in this.

Secondly, some students have the unfortunate stroke of luck when their previously working system, suddenly refuse to work as intended. Well equipment are not perfect, we understand and the video of the demo can help the evaluators see that it was actually working. Furthermore, for our more ‘creative’ students who excel in story-telling, this video can also help us determine the “nature of the story-board”.

A note for the students and supervisors

This system may not be perfect, yet. But all good things deserve a positive start.

Currently, this procedure on affect SCSR students. Mainly because our department is pioneering the move and due to the fact that this semester, we are the largest group there is in PSM2.

Best of luck everyone!