Social Media is booming. In fact it is bigger than booming….. it is EVERYWHERE. People are so much connected to it, that it is no joke. Many strategies in business, marketing and even teaching are changing due to this. Let’s take a look at a few information courtesy of  The Financial Express.

social-networking-41 social-networking

Malaysia is in the higher region of IM and social media usage. Question is: are we connected and informed, or are we just clueless and wasting time and bandwidth?



Parents must be aware of both the social media technologies, the different apps available and what your kids are browsing on and with whom. Remember parents, there are wolves in this world, just waiting for your ‘kid’ to stray from the herd.


WhatsApp is a clear favorite of Malaysians. This, however does not mean that  our children are only on this platform. I strongly believe that all kids (young, preteen, teenagers, pre-adult) all have at the very least 2 different IM apps that they are on.


Malaysians internet users use 73% on social networks daily. What are we doing on the net and social media for so long? Are we extra social? Does that mean Japanese internet users are not social? Does it mean that we are very social in cyberspace but have very minimal interaction face-to-face in real life (RL)? Are our cyber alter-ego a superhero while our RL is not even worthy of a side-kick?

My 2 sens

Internet is awesome! It truly is. But it can also be a snare, a black hole, a drug. It can snare those who are unaware into becoming victims. One can lose oneself within it, forsaking a real, quality life. One can be addicted to it.

My advice, in simple sentences:

All things in moderation.

Learn, be aware, be vigilant. 

Put your phone down, look at your family, your parents, your kids, your friends.

A waterfall picture or video is nice, but the real life one is even better! Visit one near you.

When we leave this earth, most of your friends in cyberspace wont be at your funeral.