The Kongsi Berita app is an app to verify the genuineness of a message. People receive viral messages everyday, be it texts, images or even video. This app is focused on combating these fake viral news that do tend to cloud and impair judgement when not verified properly. The app was developed as part of the Kongsi Berita program produced by TV AlHijrah. I am very honored to be part of the team. The team included our very own FC staffs, PM Dr Shukor Abd Razak, PM Dr Mazleena Salleh, Dr Masitah Ghazali, Dr Ismail Fauzi Isnin and myself. We were also aided by the development team made of FC alums from Kuhosu Studio.
Recently, our esteemed leader was invited to TV AlHijrah to talk about the Kongsi Berita app.
[su_youtube_advanced url=”″ autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes”]
- The guys from Kuhosu Studio
- A “screen capture”
- During the program