A short paper workshop for SCSR final year students was concluded today (6 May 2017). This workshop was held to assist these students in preparing their short paper submission of their Final Year project (affectionately known as PSM). For all PSM students, submission of project poster and short paper is compulsory as part of the requirement to graduate.

We started by getting acquainted with the paper template in use at FC, then following some basic writing tips (like IMRAD), and a look through the Get Publish Quick Guide by Elsevier. The atmosphere was a relaxed one with a good mix (in my humble opinion) of humour and information. There was however a cloud of worry  among the students as they were anxious about the first draft submission of their PSM final report, the due date of which was looming close.

I do believe that the workshop went well, and with the help of their project supervisors, the students can produce good papers. I do hope that they can retain this knowledge and skill throughout their career in the near future.

Here are some pictures from the workshop. It was taken near workshop end as all of us were concentrating on the short paper. Best of luck to everyone!




[gview file=”https://people.utm.my/hazinah/wp-content/uploads/sites/709/2017/05/Get-Published-Quick-Guide.pdf”]

Further reading:

A fun post entitled 10 tips for writing a truly terrible journal article by Editor Bert Blocken highlights some major mistakes authors make.