We are never only one thing. As a person, we are parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, friends, buyers etc. Today (Tuesday, 25072017), I became the student and my student became my teacher. Learning is a circular process, you learn – you grow – you teach – you learn – and so it goes. Technology is fast, minds are most often times, not. Put time scarcity into the mix, you get a not very encouraging learning curve. To that end, you need all the help you can get. Thus, this session of Android Studio workshop was heaven sent. It was made of a few of us and led by our graduating student Fuad Saeed Bozaidan. I must say that he has a knack for teaching. Thank you Fuad for the engaging session.
- The teacher of the day
- A small class
- Testing and texting
- Break time!
- Concentrating hard
- Debugging intensively
Thank you Fuad!