The Undergraduate Research Conference 2019 (URC2019) was held on 12 May 2019 at UTM Banquet Hall. This is an event to promote students Final Year Projects among the different Schools and Faculties in UTM. URC is an avenue for showcasing not only results and give experience but also explore students’ talents in communication with the poster presentation and 3-minute project presentation. In total, there were 180 participation. For poster presentations, students are evaluated by 3 judges – 2 internal judges from School of Computing, and an external judge from industry. We were fortunate and very thankful to Mr Ashikaga Toshiki from OK Blockchain Centre Sdn. Bhd. for his contribution and time.

School of Computing was represented by 20 students, 19 on poster presentation and 1 on 3M-FYP. Mohammad Al-Fattah, an SCSR student, won the Top prize for the Computing in Life group. He also came out Top 3 overall. Congratulations to Al-Fattah and his FYP supervisor Dr. Raja Zahilah M. Radzi.

For a video of the event please visit here.

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